Late night conversations

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"Hey Colby?" I whispered carful not to wake up anyone.

"Mhm.." He said as he looked down at me.

"Wanna wall down by the pool with me?" I asked my eyes practically pleading for him to say yes.

"Sure." He said as he in covered us and put the whole blanket down on Sam.

"I didn't even bother putting on shoes and neither did Colby as we walked out of the apartment.

"So why did you want to go out to the pool?" Colby asked as we walked side by side.

"I don't know. Everyone was asleep and I wanted to go for a walk." I said shrugging.
  We walked outside by the pool the coolish night air filling my lungs. It was refreshing.

"Wow lots of memories out here." Colby said as he liked around.

"Like the creep in the hot tub?" I laughed.

"Ha yeah people looked at Sam and I like we were crazy." Colby said.

  I sat at the edge of the pool with my feet dangling into the cool water.

"Hey Josie what really happened with you and Collin?" Colby asked as he sat next to me with his feet in the pool as well.

"Why do you want to know?" I asked as I gazed at him.

"Because your my friend and I'm about to meet this guy." Colby said hazing back at me. I wanted to kiss him so bad, but he also just friend zoned me again.

"I wanted to wait for the right guy. I know it sounds stupid and cheesy, but I don't want to make a mistake I'll regret." I said as I looked away from him and done at my lap.

"I understand Josie. I made that mistake and it sucks." He explained as he put his hand on my leg getting me to look at him.

"Thanks for not thinks I'm cheesy." I kinda chuckled.

"Hey you're not cheesy. You have your priorities in order." He laughed.

  My phone started ringing in my other hand and I picked it up and looked at it. It was Collin. I answered the phone as Colby looked away.

"Hey Collin what's up?" I asked.

"I'm here I came in early I didn't hit any traffic." He explained.

"Oh great I'll be up in a min wait for me  some of my friends are asleep in the living room." I said as I stood up.

"Alright see you in a minute." He said as I hung up.

"He's here." I said looking at Colby.

"Alright. Hey Josie I know it's a lot to ask, but is it okay if I say the night?"Colby asked sweetly as he looked down at me as we walked back up to my apartment.

"No problem you can sleep in my room like you did that one night and maybe this time you'll sleep in my bed and not on the cold hard floor." I said as I looked over at him as we made it to my floor.

"Thanks Josie I really appreciate it." He smiled.

"Josie hey!" Collin said as we approached my door.

"Collin!" I said as I ran up and hugged him.

"I missed you!" He said his hands resting on the small of my back.

"Hey I'm Colby." Colby said interrupting the hug.

"Hey man I'm Collin." Colin said pulling out of the hug and shaking Colby's hand.

"It's late and we are 3 hours ahead of you so I'm guessing you're tired. You can sleep in Matt's room." I said as I opened the door.

"Oh I thought I'd sleep in your room with you just like the old times when you wouldn't sleep with me." Collin winked at me.

"Actually I'm staying with her tonight." Colby piped up.

"Oh so you two are a thing?" Collin asked.

"No ... I wish." I mumbled that last bit so that Colby wouldn't hear me.

"Oh okay then Josie." Collin smiled at me.

"Yeah I'm going to bed." I said. "Matt's room is right there you can come get me if you meds anything." I said and I pointed Collin to Matt's room.

"Alright night.. Josie." Collin said.

  Colby and I walked into my room and I flopped down on my bed.

"Josie do you really think driving in that demo Saturday is a good idea?" Colby asked as he sat down beside me.

"No I don't, but I've always wanted to do it. It's now or never." I laughed that last bit.

"Curse my own advice." Colby said in a jokingly serious way.

"Colby why are you so worried about it?You do things that could get you killed all the time." I said confused on why he cared so much.

"Because I ... your ... your my friend." Colby said as he looked away.

"Colby I'll be okay." I said as I slipped under the covers.

"Alright I trust you I'll be there to cheer you on." Colby said as he lied down best to me.

"Thank you Colby. Matt's gonna wanna kill me when they announce my name." I said kinda nervous.

"And I'll stop him." Colby laughed.

"Goodnight Colby." I said reaching over and hugging him.

"Night Josie." He said as he hugged me back.

I flipped back over and fell right asleep.

New girl (A Colby Brock fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang