Chapter 4: A PLan for A better LIFE

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It had been 3 days since my mind was set to escape from the is horrible place. I sat in my room all night and started hatching a plan. I kept asking myself...Should I bring Jenny? I tossed and turned for 3 days thinking about that one thought. I decided after 3 days that I would ask Jenny to escape with me.

It was morning and I woke up still expecting to be in my own bed in my own room, but sadly I wasn't. I walked outside in my pajamas and started scouting the deffences. It seemed easy to sneak through except for the new tower with 2 really tough looking kids with big guns. I walked towards the wall made of garbage and saw something... it was a hole large enough to fit through. I was excited. 

I walked back to my house eager to get a jacket on. I walked into my house and sat on the couch waiting for Jenny to come out of the room. It took five minutes but she apeared in the kitchen with her messed up bed hair.

"Nice hair" I joked

"Haha" She sarcasticly giggled

"I have a escape. There is a hole in the wall big enough for us to fit through. We can escape in one week. And maybe we can take some friends...what do you think?" I asked with a smile

"Oh, what...escape that sounds not fun. I like it here and its against the rules to leave." She remarked

My smile turned to a frown.

"Do you know what will happen if we stay here? This entire place will become Anarchy. There will be gangs everywhere, this so-called goverment will fall, and we will all die of bad choices like eating, medical, and other stuff that parents onced prevented." I argued

"I am not leaving! I thought you would stay here and we could live the life kids have always dreamed of." She whined

"Yah I know but there is a reason that kids call this a dream. When I think of this happening its because my day was hard and sucky, do you really think that I think about this twenty-four seven?" I asked

"Im leaving in one week, you can choose to live a happy life with me or stay here and watch this place burn!" I yelled as I stormed into my room.

I grabbed my laptop and went to my email. I typed in my username and password. I went to my contacts and found Jacob Kent, my friend. I compossed a message:

Jacob, Its Gabe, listen I have a plan to leave this sh*t hole and be free, if you want to join me email be back.

P.S If you have any friends that wanna come... tell me too.

I put my mouse over send and "Click"

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