Chapter 15: 12 Rounds

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                                                           Chapter 15:  12 Rounds


"You have a call from? "Mom." Who is an inmate at the Florence McClure Women's Correctional Center. To accept these calls please press one now, i pressed one on my phone to accept her call. 

"Hey Baby boy." 

"Hi mamma, how you doing?" 

"Worried about you and Mya." 

I let out a deep breath. "Don't worry about us, we'v e come to an agreement that were both happy with." 

"Are you really happy Elijah?"

"I don't have a choice mom, she'd moved on and she's happy. What can i do about that?" 

"Elijah you have been in love with Mya for years, Now is your time to be together to start your family. It hurts my heart to know that i can't be there to help fix this." 

"Well rest your heart mamma, cause nothing needs to be fixed." I finished getting dress and walked out the front door, i have to meet Mya at the doctors office. She was now five months and the last time i saw her was at the restaurant. Rumor has it she moved out of the condo, i guess she really wanted to cut all ties with us.

"I love you Elijah."

"I love you to mamma, i gotta go." I hung up and rested my head back on the seat. Big E pulled up to the building and parked around back. I tried to look for Mya's car but i didn't see it. I looked at Big E and he shrugged his shoulders we must have beat her here.


My heart fluttered as soon as I saw Elijah walk in. It's amazing what the sight of that man does to me. He came in and took the chair across from me and i felt pain in my heart, i wanted him next to me.

"What's up Mya?" Was all he said, i got no wave, no smile not even a kiss on the forehead.

"Hi Elijah" My voice sounding a little to high for my liking. 

"I didn't see your car?"

"It broke down, i took a cab here." He just simply nodded his head, like he didn't care. The nurse called my name saving us from the awkward silence that had feel between us.

We starred at the monitor and listened to the heart beat, Elijah just kept smiling at the screen and i kept smiling at him. He is so happy and i am so confused, but here we are some what together like old times. "My are you feeling any butterfly movement in your stomach yet?"

"Yes i did last night and again this morning."

"Good, that means you are staring to feel the baby moving. Everything looks good, i will see you in a month, call the office if you have any questions and concerns."

Thank you." I watched as Dr. Simpson left the office, Elijah turned his head as i stood and my shirt was still pushed up. "Do you want to feel it?" I pointed to my stomach.

"No that's ok."  He held the door open for me and we exited the exam room. I want to cry, i want to bury my head in my hands and cry. He barley will look at me and he doesn't even want to touch me. I pulled out my Cell and called a cab while we rode the elevator down to the main level. This is all my fault, if i hadn't of went to Mario's house that night, Eli wouldn't have slept with Simone. But than again who knows? it's not like we were together in the first place.

"Mya do you need a ride home?" Elijah was starring at the doors waiting for them to open up.

I thought about my answer, since the last time we spoke i had moved out of Elijah's condo and was currently looking for a new job. I hadn't told Eli about my new small place, that barley had room for me, let alone a baby, but it was what i could afford. Had i known that things would have turned out like this i would have saved better, i guess i learned that lesson. "I was planning on telling you that i no longer live in your condo." 

"I know, that's what i heard. Do you need a ride home?"  

"Yes please." He held the open and i climbed inside, I gave Big E the address to my new place and Elijah scrunched up his nose at the area. It was almost close to our old neighborhood. It wasn't a bad area but it also wasn't the best. "Do you want me to tell you why i moved?" 

"No." he picked up his phone and placed a call, i guess i'm no longer important. 

Walking into my apartment i stood by the door and watched Elijah's car pull away, i wanted to beg him to stay but I knew he wouldn't. The Elijah i remembered was gone, he no longer cared for me like he used to, in the past If i had told him that my car broke down he would have it in the shop as soon as i said it.  He always took good care of me, now he don't want me anymore.

I barley made it in my apartment when my phone started ringing i look at at the caller id and thought about not answering it. Mario has been back home in New York since the last time he was here. When i told him I had moved out he was so happy, i on the other hand miss my old place, i had to put half of my stuff in storage. For work I have been working for my brother in-law as a waitress and bartender at his club. Lilly and my folks have offer to help me out but i want to do this all on my own.   

"So was he there?"  That was the first thing Mario said to me when i answered my phone. He calls Eli him or he were not allowed to speak his name. 

"Yes, and hello to you too." I tried to change the subject. 

"How's the baby?" 

"Everything looked good." 

"Good, i've been looking for a place for after it's born, you two can move here with me."

I was surprised by his words, never once have I told Mario that i would move in with him. "I'm not moving to New York Mario."

"That wasn't a question Mya, I want my family here with me, not Las Vegas."

"I can't take is baby and leave the state."

"That man don't care about you Mya. I'm the only one looking out for you now. He probably can't even stand the sight of you because your with me, just let me take care of you, cause i'm the only one that loves you."

His words were hitting home, Eli was acting like he said, it's only about the baby with us and I need to accept it. Maybe moving to New York would be a fresh start for all of us, i just have to get Elijah to agree. "I'll think about it."  Was all I told Mario but now i regret that.

 ***Please remember to vote a comment. Do you think Elijah is wrong for giving Mya the cold shoulder? Sorry if it's boring having serious writers block.**** CHECK OUT WAITING ON YOU... Let me know what you think?

All Rights Reserved By: MrsCassey


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