Chapter 7

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Chapter 7                                                  12/27/13







Sitting at the breakfast table i tried to concentrate on the story my foster sister Lilly was telling my foster mom Gina and I. I keep starring past her at the photo of Eli and me on the fridge. It was an old photo of us taking before a school dance, we both looked so happy. Man we were so innocent back than, we had our whole lives still ahead of us. In fact i think that was the night he lost his virginity to Angie Simpson. I made a mental note to take it off the fridge.

"Hello Mya." Lilly was snapping her finger in my face.

"Sorry i zoned out for a minute." I apologized taking another bite of my omelet. Elijah's assigned ring tone Lil Wayne’s A Milli started playing on my phone. Looking at it i pressed ignore, since last night he's been blowing my phone up. I just was not in the mood to answer 

"What's wrong with you?" Lilly moved closer to me doing the thing i love and hate about her. She ran her eyes up and down me like she was analyzing me. She always had the ability to tell when something was wrong and it always made me feel paranoid.

"Nothing." I started eating my food again.

"Oh my God Mya, you had sex." Her green eyes lit up with excitement. "Who was it?"

Choking on my eggs i looked over at mom and she was starring back at me like she was waiting for an answer. Picking up my juice i started to take a drink when Lily yelled.

"It was Elijah Hun?"

Choking on my juice i ran over to the trash can spitting it all out as mom patted me on my back. How the fuck does Lilly always know these things the girl needs to get paid for this shit. I took my time and collected my breath, really i was just stalling but the look on their face told me they weren't going anywhere. Sitting in between her and mom i took a deep breath. "I did loose it and yes it was Elijah."

"So you and Elijah are dating now?" Mom asked and i felt bad.

"No it was a mistake and it will not happen again." The way she was starring at me was making me nervous, i felt like she was goanna send me to my room.   

"How many times and you know i can tell if you’re lying." Lilly was smiling, she has been waiting to have this conversation for years. 

I hung my head in shame. "Three times." I whispered. 

"What did she say?" Mom held her ear. 

"Mommy she said three times." Lilly giggled. "She made a mistake three times. Boy he must be good both inside and outside of the ring." Lilly started swinging her hips dancing. I felt so embarrassed i picked up my necklace and started playing with it that was only thing keeping me calmed. 

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