If I Lose Myself

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"If I lose myself tonight, it'll be by your side. If I lose myself tonight, it'll be you and I."

           ~ OneRepublic

Him and her. That's all that mattered in that moment. The beautiful night sky, the soft hum of the car radio and the city lights below them. A basket and blanket was set up in the back of his truck for a date that he spent all week thinking of. Snuggled in blankets with hot chocolate and donuts, they watch the beginning of the sunrise together. It may be simple but she fell in love with the sight, making it all worth it in his eyes.

 He woke her up from her sleep by throwing rocks at her window and calling her nonstop to wake her up. It was a difficult task with her room being in the basement and the fact that she loves her sleep. It took him a good ten minutes and some barking from the neighbor's dog to get her up. Finally walking up the stairs from her basement, he greets her. 

Even in sweatpants, a hoodie and a bedhead, he finds her the most beautiful girl to ever lay eyes on. "What are you doing here at three in the morning," she half whispers, half yells at him. "We are going on an adventure," he responds dramatically. 

"What could we possibly be doing at three in the fucking morning?!"

"Hey! You gave up swearing," she snorts at his statement.

"Yeah and you gave up Call of Duty."

"Okay fine fine. Just come with me please? You won't regret it. I have something amazing planned," he sees the hesitant look in her eyes. "I will get you Dunkin' Donuts."

She perks up at this. "Food? Ha. So you're going to bribe me now." He nods. She groans. "I guess it's working."

He fist pumps in victory. "Well let's go then mylady." She giggles and weaves her hand into his. Walking out of her backyard, they hop into his truck and get on their way. Pulling up to a 24hr Dunkin Donuts drive thru, her stomach starts to rumble. He laughs and recites her usual to the worker. Two glazed donuts and two hot chocolates.

After grabbing the food, he starts driving down the empty roads. "Can't you just tell me where you are driving," she whines.

"No! It's a surprise," he responds. "I have been working on this date all week so it is going to stay a surprise. You are going to like it now just be patient young grasshopper!" Her laughter that follows is music to his ears.

"Okay fine, fine I'll shut up now. Thank you." She kisses him on the cheek followed by him grabbing her hand. A smile and small blush creep onto her face making him laugh. 

He starts to drive up a little hill and she is getting more and more anxious of what is coming up ahead. The ride starts getting bumpy due to the gravel road, which just makes the nerves appear. However it ends soon and suddenly she is met with a beautiful sight. 

"Holy shit," she whispers. He laughs at this as he nods toward the lights. "I said that you would like it," he responds in victory. The sight is absolutely breathtaking and she couldn't believe he could find such a spot. It's an overlook of the city, with the bright lights and amazing scenery. 

"When and how did you find this place," she asks him out of pure curiosity. "I thought you didn't have time for exploring with all of the time you spend playing COD." 

"Hey," he protests back as he parks. "I stumble upon places once in a while. Give me some credit."

"Okay." She sticks her tongue out. "Thank you," she says and then pecks his lips quickly before getting out of the car. "Still don't believe you just 'stumbled upon' this place. You must have had some help."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2014 ⏰

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