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Vote and comment please! x

Tagged: @andrearussettLiked by @shawmendes, @bellahadid and 11M more

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Tagged: @andrearussett
Liked by @shawmendes, @bellahadid and 11M more.

@harrystyles: most of you know that i like to keep my relationship private for a few reasons. one of them being the hate that is sent to both of us. mostly them. i am asking everyone who comments hate comments on any of our posts, to please not to. if you dont like us, block us, ignore us but do not come and comment mean stuff on our posts. please, be kind to one another and spread kindness around the world. x

View 8.7 M comments:

@fanusername: totally right!!! 💗💗
@fanusername: does this mean you and andrea are back together?!
@fanusername: ^ he did tag her so i guess so 😍
@fanusername: #wesupporthandrea
@username: lol if u dont want hate dont post about it 😂😂
@fanusername: ^ are u blind? did you not read what he said? goodbye.
@fanusername: ❣️❣️❣️
@fanusername: preach it harryyy! 💘
@fanusername: wait so are they back together?!
@username: i don't understand why they are so sensitive 🤣
@username: ^ exactly if they dont want hate, dont do it
@fanusername: do the haters really think their opinions matter? all that matters is that they are happy. 💕👏🏻
@fanusername: so are u guys gonna confirm it!?


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