1 ~ Control

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Uri jumps as the door crashes into the wall of their bathroom, then winces as Arthur slams it shut. He doesn't seem to notice she's there as he paces the small stretch of space from the table to the entryway. The Elder's hands are balled into fists, matching the crease in his brow and occasional string of curses flying from his lips.

"Good day?" She muses, finally gaining his attention. The fire in his eyes dies as he notices Uri, sat huddled on their bed with her Pip-Boy in hand. The familiar sounds accompanying Atomic Command filter through the tinny speakers, and she's enraptured by it. The only giveaway she even paid attention to his outburst is the amused smile she's wearing.

"Why are you hiding in here?" He grumbles. "I thought you were going to Sanctuary."

"I am, but Kells booked a meeting with the Pilots. They don't finish for another hour, so I decided to hide from the panic your pissiness is inciting in the others."

"I'm not in any mood for teasing, Uri. Things are just... Not going well."

His response is so lame, and he can tell it frustrates her. He has been having a hard time keeping his temper in check for well over a fortnight, now, and Uri cannot get him to explain why. She just wants to help, but he's put up a great big 'do not enter' sign.

"You could just tell me what's wrong," she presses. The game over screen flashes up and, with a huff, she tosses her Pip-Boy aside.

"We have had this conversation," Arthur mutters. His coat feels stifling and God does he want to send a vertibird out to drop that good-for-nothing scientist somewhere in the middle of the ocean, but he cannot tell Uri this. Cannot explain how difficult Professor Scara is to work with. Not unless he wants her to wallow in guilt for not successfully retrieving Madison Li.

"Fine," she mutters. Uri knows she will get it out of him sooner-or-later. As frustrating as it is, she drops it. She's soon distracted, in any case, as she watches him shrug off his battlecoat; revealing the too-tight flight suit that hugs the wide, muscular expanse of his back. She chews on her lower lip in wonder. How on Earth did she manage to score a man as perfect as him? He's like some God, she thinks. Some perfect-bodied God sent down to sexually torment her.

"Can I massage you?" She croons, letting him see the reverence in her gaze. Ever since Arthur started to fill out, he has been used to such stares. They used to irritate him. Hell, they still do, but seeing that look in her gaze never fails to set his belly aflame. "It might help you relax."

"I have a meeting at three-thirty."

"It's only two-fifteen, Arthur. Besides," she looks so innocent as she retrieves some oil from one of her drawers, "It's only a massage."

He highly doubts that it will stay as 'only a massage' - but finds he has no willpower to complain about it. As soon as he saw that hunger in those amber depths, he was lost to the embers she so effortlessly stokes into flames. His cock twitches as he unzips the suit, going slightly slower-than-necessary so he can catch the way her breath stutters at the sight of him. Then he lays on their bed, and she sits herself on the perfect apple of his ass.

Oh, but if seeing him sprawled out like this doesn't do it for her. Auburn eyes become molten whiskey as she gazes at his form, all muscle, strong and hot and deliciously laid out - just for her. She has never been a possessive woman, but the thought of Arthur trusting anyone but her enough to sprawl out for them has her grinding her teeth.

The cool oil dripping on his back has Arthur tensing in surprise; those perfectly trained muscles rippling under the pale expanse of his skin sends shudders down her spine. Ignoring the fire in her gut, Uri spreads the oil. It's delightful, Arthur soon decides, having someone knead away years worth of knots in his shoulders. Made better knowing it's her. Uri. His Uri. The contrast of added pain followed by the release of all that tension. He grunts as she massages a particularly stubborn knot, then sighs as the muscle is able to relax completely.

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