Chapter Two: Eternal Flame Baby

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Lances POV
After I recover from my laughing fit, I actually begin to eat. The cafeteria has gone back to normal, and I'm chatting to my friends as I eat. It's as if an angry pixie never burst in here and threatened his little brother.

"Hey Lance, are we still up for Mario Kart tonight? Because I have a streak and I'd like to keep it." Pidge says, chucking a piece of gum at me.

"Oh god please no. I can't take another Pidgeon dance." Hunk groans.

"You mean my amazing Pidgeon victory dance?! How dare you Hunk! I pour my salty soul into doing that dance every time I kick your sorry asses." Pidge says, chucking a piece of gum at him too.

"Pidge, how much gum do you have?! And yes, but this time your going down!" I yell.

"Hah! I'd like to see you try! You can't even do the mushroom track, let alone rainbow road! You can never beat the Pidgeon!" Pidge stands up on their chair, pointing at me for dramatic effect.

"Pidge I swear you hack the game! No way you win fair and square!" Hunk says, kicking Pidges chair leg to make them sit down.

"Honey I can hack the FBI, what makes you think that I would waste my time on Mario Kart?" Pidge says, sitting on the table.

"The fact that you can hack the FBI!" I yell, finalising the argument with a spray of water over Pidge. They let out an inhuman screech and shake their wings all over me.

"Hey Lance, are you gonna invite Keith? Maybe he can finally bring down the evil overlord Pidge." Hunk says, to avoid further drenching.

"Yeah, he seemed nice. Distant, but nice." Pidge says, finally sitting normally in her chair.

"Maybe, but I don't have anymore classes with him after this. He's only in my Tutor Group and Fae Lore. I think he's in your Chemistry though Pidge." I say lazily.

*Timeskip numero a thousand*

I'm (not) paying attention in my Spanish class, when I get a text.

Pidgeon_Overlord: Keith's coming.

Pidgeon_Overlord: He says he can't wait to kick your asses.

Pidgeon_Overlord: He said nothing about me though.

Pidgeon_Overlord: I swear that boy has a sixth sense.

HunkyMonkey8: Dont be silly Pidge.

HunkyMonkey8: He's just scared of you.

LanceyLance: OOOOOH!

Pidgeon_Overlord: 😡

Pidgeon_Overlord: I'm adding him to the chat

Pidgeon_Overlord: So he can prove my point.

LanceyLance: WAIT WHAT


1234567890: Um....Hello?

Pidgeon_Overlord: Welcome to Voltron Queef.

HunkyMonkey8: Run while you still can

LanceyLance: Keith change your usernane

'1234567890' has changed their username to 'Eternal Flame Baby'

Eternal Flame Baby: Lance look up and look busy your teacher is about to yell at you.

Just as Keith predicted, as soon as I look up my teacher, Mr. Kolivan, is standing over my desk glaring at me. I smile and wave. He rolls his eyes and goes back to teaching the class.

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