Last Words

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 I woke up to a knock on my door.

"Miss (y/n), may I enter?" Sebastian called from the hallway outside.

"I, uh, yes?" I answered, yawning as thoughts of last night flashed through my mind. The door opened as I ran through a thousand reasons why he would want to enter my room this early in the morning.

"I'm afraid that the guests we were expecting will not be arriving." The door clicked shut as Sebastian spoke.

"Why not? We did all that work," I replied, sitting up and shifting so that I was sitting on the edge of the bed. "That's very rude of them to decide not to show up."

"Indeed, it would be if they were ever coming at all." Sebastian slid off his jacket and tossed it onto the end of my bed. I stared at him, confused.


"Meaning," Sebastian spoke, stepping towards me, "that there never were any guests coming at all." I stood up, turning to face him as he continued. "I'm afraid I lied. You see, I needed something to distract the others with while I contemplated whether or not you were worth my time." He slipped off his white gloves and I felt the blood drain from my face as he revealed the glowing contract symbol on his hand. "As it so happens, you were very much worth it." He licked his lips. "Your soul is so very tantalizing, it's almost impressive."

"''re a demon!" My voice shook. I was almost entirely backed against the far wall of my room by this point and Sebastian was only stepping closer.

"Indeed. I'm surprised you didn't notice earlier; I haven't taken much effort to hide it." He was smirking. My back hit the wall, signaling the end of my retreat. I wanted to scream but something told me that there was no way out of this.

I was trapped.

"The other servants did seem to really like you," Sebastian mused. His hands landed on the wall to either side of my head as he leaned in. I could feel his breath on the side of my face. I was shaking now.

"Don't you want to say goodbye one last time?" Sebastian whispered. I felt the shaking subside somehow.

"I would but I don't know how." I didn't know else to answer.

"Would you like to learn?"

"Yes...." I paused.

"Teach me how to say goodbye."

His face was so close to mine. So close. I could feel his warm breath on my face as he moved away from my ear to face me. He was right in front of me, yet instead of Sebastian, it was more like I was staring into the face of death. My breathing slowed as his lips met mine. He parted my lips and I felt the life being drained from my body. He drank my soul like it was nothing more than a fine wine. My consciousness faded as licked the last few wisps of my soul from my mouth. My limp body slumped to the floor as Sebastian released it.

He unlocked the door and opened it to reveal Ciel. He stood there with hands on his hips and a look of utter disdain as he peered past Sebastian at the body slumped against the wall.

"Sebastian, what have I told you about your pets?" Ciel scolded, glancing at Sebastian's bare hands and lack of tailcoat.

"Understood, young master." Sebastian bowed.

"Clean up your mess. You're lucky none of the other servants caught on to what you were doing." Ciel glanced back over his shoulder as he walked down the hallway. "Oh, and I'm not coming up with an excuse for you this time. Find your own way to tell the servants why she's gone." He turned and headed away, presumably to his study.

Sebastian turned back into the room, sliding his gloves and coat back on as he glanced at the body, her empty eyes staring into nothingness. Hoisting it over his shoulder, he took care not to be seen as he deposited it into the furnace, never to be seen again. After informing the servants that there would be no guests that evening and that Lady (y/n) had returned home to make peace with her mother, he returned to his daily duties as the Phantomhive butler, savoring the last tastes of her soul on his tongue one last time before forgetting about her.


Hey, it's RedQueenofHearts2, I would like to thank Blue_Cheshire_Cat. Comment if you get the references and this is the end of this book.

Sebastian X Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें