Cheater Cheater, Best Friends Are Better

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"I HATE YOU!" that's the last thing I said to my boyfriend, John since he cheated on me. 

You see, I am fourteen years old and I have still not had my first kiss yet. Pathetic right? And now that I think about it, I couldn't really blame John for cheating on me. I mean every time he tried to kiss me, I freaked out and wouldn't let him. 

I sat in my bed, not wanting to go to school and have to face him in ten minutes. I glanced at my phone which had buzzed with a new message five times since I had woken up. I sighed and picked up the phone to check the messages:

I'm sorry

Baby? Please don't be mad..

I didn't mean to

I'm really really sorry

PLEASE forgive me. I love u. Im so so so so so so sorry. Im an idiot and I give you full permission to bury me alive

I sighed again and snapped my phone shut, debating with myself over whether I should take up his offer and bury him alive.

I face planted into my pillow and screamed as loud as I could. I could feel the tears well up in my eyes but I blinked them back; thinking that I had no reason to cry over such a stupid idiot. 

I laid in bed for all of two minutes before my mother burst in my room saying, "Hurry up! You're going to be late for school!"

I turned over so that my face was no longer buried in my pillow and looked at her miserably.

"Why are you crying?!" my mom immediately asked, coming to sit at the edge of my bed. Somehow this woman always seemed to know when I was about to cry. Evil mommy instincts. 

"I'm not crying..." 

"You're about to." She said with the do-you-think-I'm-stupid look.

"Leave me alone then." The hurt look on her face when I said that made me feel like I had just kicked a puppy. "Sorry Mom, I just don't want to talk about it..."

"You don't have to go to school today." she said like the cool mom she is. And she left my room, leaving me to weep.

As I sat in my room dwelling on depressing thoughts, I began to wonder if I was wrong about John and maybe I should forgive him. I mean, he did apologize...

I was about to text him, when my best friend, James text me:

Hey, are u sick or somethin?

I replied,

Um. Yeah, something like that.

Soon I received this,

Alright, Im comin over. School just got out.

I sighed and waiting until I heard his familiar footsteps outside my bedroom door. He ran in my door, and I knew mom must've let him in.

"HEY!" he yelled, jumping on my bed, making me bounce. "What's really wrong with you, you skipper!"

I looked up at him, and my eyes must've been red because he immediately sat down and asked, "What's wrong?"

I looked at him. He had big round brown eyes that looked huge because of his bulky black glasses. His brown hair was a normal short boy cut although his bangs fell onto the tops of his glasses. He was super tall and lean, and as dorky as he was he could be described as lanky. Today he was wearing jeans and a white t-shirt that said, "GAMER RAGE!" with a little chibi looking frustrated holding a game controller under the wording.  

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