Blow jobs are definitely not my thing. It's just nasty as fuck. Of course I told him how I felt about it and he said he was okay with it.

Apparently not, Anna.

Yet after all these years, he decides to do this?

"You're the little bitch." I mutter quietly, crossing my arms over my chest.

"You know what? Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you." He yells. Stormi starts to whine at the sudden outburst.

"You already have, baby boy." I smirk.  I play it cool, yet this is hurting like shit. "You've fucked two women at once and knocked both of them up. You're a complete man-whore." The words tumble out of my mouth like vomit.

"Get out." Zayn pushes me out the bedroom door.

"You have no right to be angry with me." I say punching him in the chest. "You promise I'm the only girl you'd fuck. I haven't fucked anyone since we've started fucking." I scream. There's a lump in my throat which I can't seem to swallow.

"Hell you're the only person ever, Z. You took my virginity. You know this." I start to choke up on my words. "I-I love you." I admit. This isn't something you say at all the night before your wedding.

"It's too late for that, Anna. You're getting married." He mumbles.

"What about Savannah. You love her. I know you do." I plea.

Zayn starts to shake his head no.

"N-no? Why the hell are you shaking your head 'no'. She's your fucking daughter!" I scream aggravated.

My tears are falling fast now. He doesn't have to love me. Hell. He doesn't even have to like me. But he has to love his daughter. His first daughter at that. He can love Stormi but he can also love Savannah.

"How can you do this. You're her father.  She's your first baby. You decided to take care of Stormi before her. You're a fucking asshole." I say pushing at his chest.

Here I go again, crying like the little bitch I am.

"I hate you." I sob. "I hate you. I hate you. I hate you." I say over and over. "You're a damn pussy. Choosing between daughters."

"Cock sucking asshole." I slap him across the face. All my anger in my hand.

"That's enough." He booms.

"Get out of my goddamn house. I never want to hear from you again." 

"Zayn no. Baby I'm sorry. Don't do this." I beg as he pulls my arms towards His apartment door. Stormi hasn't stopped crying yet.

"I'm sorry baby. Please." He stops at his front door to unlock it, the starts to pull me outside. I grab is face in both of my hands and kiss him dead on the lips. He pushes me out the door and slams it door right in my face. I let out a frustrating scream as I pound on his door.

"You can't do this to me. I had you first. Not her." I say crying, while continuing to hit his door.

My knuckles start to hurt like a damn bitch. I turn around sliding my back down his door. Pulling my knees to my chest, I cry out in pain.

Oh great job Anna. Another friend lost because of my stupid ass.

My phone starts to buzz violently in my hands. Signaling that I'm getting a call. But who the hell is calling me at three in the morning?

"Hello?" I answer.

"Get you ass back here, now!" Harry barks through the phone.

"Shit I'm sorry Harry, but it-"


The line goes dead.

Oh shit. It's Harry and he knows I'm not there. Fuck fuck fuck. I'm screwed.

When I arrive at home. I tip toe into the shared bedroom. But what was the point. Harry is already awake.

"Where the actual fuck were you?" His voice is dangerously low. His face is red, hair a mess from the few hours of sleep he got.

"I-I.." I start to stutter like a little bitch.

"Don't fucking lie to me." He's livid and it's my fault.

"I had to talk to Zayn." I mention. "I had to talk about Savannah and Stormi."

"What the hell does Juliette's daughter and Savannah have to do with each other." His face is still bright red. I really went too far.

"I was told not to tell anyone-"

"If you don't speak now your punishment will be way worse than it already is Anna." His green eyes are murderous.

"Savannah and Stormi are sisters. I went over to Zayn's house to try and confirm it. He wasn't answering his phone." I explain. "Please don't hurt me. I just needed to know the truth Harry." He sighs shaking his head.

Am I off the hook?

"Take you clothes off." His voice shakes with anger so I don't even try to hesitate or fight back. I've crossed the devil himself. I get naked but keep my glitter boots on.

"I'm going to lay down some damn rules. Some new rules."

When did he ever establish the old ones? Oh wait he didn't.

"No masturbating, no associating with men with out my explicit permission, always sleep naked, Shower everyday, shave every single Friday, wear what I put out for you and only what I put out for you."

These are ridiculous, but am I going to interrupt a crazy mad man? Hell fucking no.

"You have no independence, you have no freedom. You want something you must always ask me. You need something you better fucking ask. When your friends or sister wants to hang out you must ask me and give me the place, time and everyone who will be present. When I'm fucking You, you will not orgasm without my permission. Ever." He says walking into the large closet.

He comes back out with... Nipple clamps. You've gotta be ducking with me. And yes I mean ducking.

I swear too damn much. Oh shit did it again. Oh crap.

"You'll have chores. Yes, chores. So what if I have maid and cooks. You will maintain the duties of a wife but also a slave. Hands folded in your lap." He says.

Oh my fucking God.

He massages my left breast then takes one clamp and snaps it on my left nipple. "Don't make a fucking sound." He growls. He does that same to my right.

"You need to learn. I'm so fucking disappointed in you. Sneaking out like a damn teenager. And since you want to sneak around you now have a curfew. Ten pm. Any later and you will earn ten slaps with my leather belt on each ass." He states.

There are silver balls hanging at the end of both clamps. Heavy and intimidating. I never experienced anything like this. Like Juliette said, this man is into BDSM. I don't really consider myself vanilla nor into the shit Harry's into, but the most crazy thing I've ever done was fuck Zayn in my classroom. No children were present of course.

I've never used whips, handcuffs, lashes, vibrators, gags, chokers, blindfolds or any of that crazy ass shit. I'm not into kinky stuff or calling my boyfriend 'daddy' that shits just plain weird.

"But I promise baby, if you be a good girl I'll give you and and everything you want. I'll treat you like the Queen of England. I'll give you the whole world, my love, I promise and I never break my promises." I refuse to let my tears fall. The stubborn and feisty woman in me won't allow it.

"Keep your back straight. Don't move." He pulls both the silver balls forward towards him. My breast scream in pain. I clench my fist and keep my eyes screws shut.

"Look at me, Anna. You deserve this." I can feel his hot breath over my face.

"It hurts." Thats not the only thing that hurts. I just want to run. To hide. But there nowhere to turn. I'm stuck. And now I'm dealing with the consequences.

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