Chapter 10

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They started on practicing. They started to learn what powers they have. Yumi has an ability of Telepathy. Sir Eiichi said that Yumi can use her powers to know the upcoming attacks from its enemies.

Sir Eiichi started to give lecture that 'Telepathy is an ability to read people's minds and know their thoughts and feelings. Many people have only a little bit of this power and are able to get the general feeling of what another is thinking. Some people with this power must be touching another whom they are trying to read in order for their power to work, some merely have to be near the person. It seems that it is difficult to use this power with any sort of distance between people. Those who are skilled with this power can dig deeper and find things buried within a person's mind, others can only know what the person is presently thinking. These people get overwhelmed when they are around others and tend to have constant headaches as they will catch bits and pieces of what people are thinking, especially if the people are thinking strongly.'

Then Yamato understood his ability, Teleportation was his ability, but he can't time travel because it's different ability. 'Teleportation is a power that has been around for ages and is making a comeback in the amount of people born with this power. Any person with this ability can essentially "think" themselves anywhere they want to go, be it across the room or across the world. This power only takes a short time to master and it can be used for the rest of a person's life. This power is more commonly found in people with birth defects and it seem to be a form of evolution allowing them to be able to get around. Teleportation requires a strong mind and a willingness to accept danger. There is always a chance that the teleporter can end up in the wrong place and get trapped there. There have also been accounts of people using this power to travel though time. It's not known exactly how this power works but it is believed that the mind breaks down the body molecules and sends it at the speed of light to wherever the person wants to go.'

Haru is so happy because Hiro and he have abilities. Haru's ability was Supersonic Speed. He even joked that 'this ability is what I want when I can go on track-and-field, then I can win easily but I won't do it.'

'Supersonic Speed is an ability to move really fast. It is a rare power that is growing more and more common as those with power must run from those who wish to harm them. This power allows a person to run much faster than normal while not appearing to run that much faster. It is actually a bending of time that is created slowing down everyone else and making it appear as though you are moving much faster than everyone else. This power is very similar to the ability to stop time.'

"Now, let's move on to Aya," I was shocked when Sir Eiichi called me. I went to Sir Eiichi then Yumi and Yui cheered me.

"You just have to focus Aya," Sir Eiichi said. I tried to focus as Sir Eiichi said but nothing happened. Sir Eiichi ran to me but I don't know what to do. He kicked me on my knees so my knees touched the ground. Yui wants to help me but Hiro signed Yui to come back then Yui came back to her position.

"Focus, Aya!" Yoshinori shouted. I smiled for a reason that they were always here for me.

I stood up but I felt dizzy. I fell down on the floor again. I had a glimpse of them rushing towards me for help but the darkness took me.


"Maybe this is not yet the right time for her ability to show up," said by a small voice and I know that it was Sir Eiichi.

"Sir you said that the first time we step at Hikari, the council already knew about our abilities?" Yumi said. I want to open my eyes but my eyes feel so heavy for me to open it.

"Even the council doesn't know," Sir Eiichi said.

I can't hear any of their voices and what they are talking about because I fell asleep.

I woke up in a non-familiar place. I sat and I go around the place. It's dark and I noticed that it was evening. All of them are sleeping. I tried to remember what happened and I stopped.

I don't have any abilities...

I'm such a failure...

I fell asleep again and waited until morning.

"Hey! Aya, cheer up! Maybe your ability is not yet to be discovered. Maybe your ability is much cooler than ours," Yui agreed on what Yumi said. I smiled at them and said that I'm going outside. It's been three days since I found out that my ability is unidentified. I remembered the conversation of Yumi and Sir Eiichi at the clinic. I don't know why I should be here. Maybe I'm not included and maybe they just pity me that I get left behind in the mortal world.

I am powerless.

I was shocked when a person sat next to me. I thought that it was Haru but...

"Oh? Why are you sad? You don't have an ability?" he said. I didn't answer him "If I'm in your situation, I will not be disappointed if I found out that my ability is unidentified. I will practice more for my ability to show up. I'm not saying this to brag that I already discovered my own ability. I'm saying this for you to be stronger, to motivate you. Yumi and Yui are doing everything for you to feel confident. Hopefully they will and you will not let them disappear," he advised and stood up. "I hope you understand what I told you. Yes, I'm crazy but I know how to play at what time I'm lying," he said and went away. I smiled and understood everything he said. He is right, I should not be weak. My friends still have the ability to help me. I'm not weak but they will be my strength to overcome it.

Thank you for your advice... Yamato...

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