1. The Reluctant Traveler

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Hermione Granger stood with her arms crossed staring at the open, empty suitcase on her bed. Her flatmate, Lavender Brown sat on the edge of the bed with an amused expression on her pretty features.

"What are you doing?" Lavender asked, staring at her.

"Thinking that maybe this isn't the best idea actually," Hermione answered. "Two months is really a long time, isn't it? We're really behind you know and this probably isn't the best time for me to be taking an extended holiday like this and I can just imagine what a mess that horrible Pansy Parkinson will leave the office in. Maybe I'll owl them and tell them I've changed my mind."

She closed her suitcase and walked over to her desk to write the letter when Lavender jumped off the bed and grabbed her arm.

"You'll do no such thing, Hermione!" Lavender exclaimed, grabbing her friend's arm. "Do you know how many people would give their right arm to go on a two-month holiday?"

"I know," Hermione said, relaxing her posture. She sank down onto her desk chair. "But, it's not really a complete holiday. Ostensibly, I'm going there to work on that article."

Lavender rolled her eyes. "An academic article." When she saw the hurt expression on Hermione's face, she quickly covered. "Which is quite an honor and I'm very proud of you..."

"Liar," Hermione said, laughing despite herself. She threw a folded up jumper at her friend.

"Hey!" Lavender said giggling. "The point of packing is to get the clothes into the suitcase not throw them at your best mate, Miss Bossy-boots."

"Right," Hermione said, getting to her feet and walking determinedly over to the closet and pulling back the doors. There were a few simple dresses and trousers and shirts and jumpers. Sensible clothing was the rule of the day. None of these outfits looked like a sensible wardrobe for a tropical, exotic island.

"What should I bring?" she asked, staring blankly at her clothes.

Lavender stood beside her and grinned mischievously at her. "You can never go wrong with the three S's."

"The what?" Hermione asked, pulling a confused face.

"Honestly, it's a wonder you have a boyfriend at all," she said, rolling her eyes. "The three S's, my dear naïve friend are sexy, slinky and skimpy."


Before Hermione could stop her, Lavender started flipping through Hermione's clothes. Her nose scrunched up in disgust. "And all three are seriously lacking in your wardrobe."

Although she certainly couldn't see Hermione's face since her back was to her, Lavender knew that Hermione was probably shaking her head.

"Hermione, you can't very well go down to the islands wearing wooly jumpers and corduroys," she said, finally turning to face her friend. "For someone so smart, you have zero fashion sense. Which is why you are so lucky to have me because I happen to have just had a brilliant idea!"

"What?" Hermione asked.

"You can borrow some of my summer clothes," Lavender said, an excited expression coming over her face. "Between your stuff and mine, we're going to have you looking fantastic."

"I don't know," Hermione said, but Lavender had already disappeared out of the room. "Lavender—"she called out, but Lavender didn't answer. All Hermione could hear was the sound of her friend dropping boxes onto the floor. Hermione laughed as she sank back down on her desk chair. There was nothing that pleased Lavender more than a fashion or beauty project and Hermione shuddered to think what sort of outfits Lavender would suggest. Although they were best friends, their styles couldn't have been more different. Whereas Lavender always stayed abreast of the latest trends and styles, Hermione usually opted for whatever was most comfortable.

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