After months of torture seeing his love in front of him.

And he'd tell her that he needed her and that he loved her and she was always his butterfly.

However that wasn't the case when he walked in the house that reminded him of taco nights and the late nights where he would come with a bruised cheek or a limp to the leg.

He didn't see his butterfly but he knew it was because of her.

Miguel learned to like Harry as Cams relationship with him progressed and the like slowly turned to love as he loved him like his own son.

But Cam was Miguel's first priority and he knew she wasn't happy after her mom died and her baby died.

But he didn't know it was also because of hotels and red lips and vodka.

He didn't know Harry led her to her own destruction.

"You broke her," he whispered.

Licking his lips, he parted them but no words left his lips because what was there to say?


He held his finger up. "She was love," he started and that pretty much summed everything up. "She was my little girl and you broke her. I trusted her with you. I walked her down that aisle and gave her to you!"

And every word he spoke broke Harry's heart more and every word was engraved in his mind.

She was love.

"She called. She told me that she didn't want to live anymore, Harry." And as he spoke his eyes watered and lips became dry but his voice remained firm. "How does she go from love to this broken girl, Harry?"

"I-I don't know." And he felt pathetic when the tears brimmed his eyes.

Maybe because her love wasn't enough to heal from his parents abuse, maybe he wasn't ready to settle down, maybe because he lost his jewel.

He really didn't know.

"She's gone. She's fucking gone because you abandoned her as she was nothing to you."

"I know."

"She cared for you when no one did and showered you with love when you were broken. She started a life with you."

"I know."

"Then why destroy a perfectly good painting? Hm?"

But he really didn't know.

"I love her," is all he could really say because everything else would just sound like lies and sick and twisted but he just needed him to know- out of everything he needed to let everyone know he loved her.

He just didn't know how to anymore.

"You did," Miguel agreed because he somehow knew he did especially when he saw the purple bags under his eyes and the baggy sleeves and the skinny skinny figure.

He was losing himself because of her.

"You did but you made her something you got used to and only viewed her as some sad disappointment when she couldn't get pregnant, when she lost her mom, when she finally got pregnant and lost Nancy and when she threw out her pictures."


"Why did you marry her?"

"Because I needed her."

"And then you didn't."

And after that day he knew nothing would be the same.

Lisa called from time to time to check on him to see if he was okay because she knew that's what Cam would want.

But here he was in the middle of an art gallery with pictures inspired by her.

And only because of her.

But there was one in particular where he painted her on her knees in black and grey with all the colours that represented her flowing down in tears that moved his heart.

Because he knew he was the reason she was just black and grey.

He knew he drained the colours out of her.

It was only because of him.

However today was his grand opening and he wore her two rings around his neck and ate pink marshmallows with art surrounding him while it rained on a Wednesday.

He heard murmurs of 'this is good' or 'beautiful'

Or how his thoughts were darkened because of the girl he used as his muse although sometimes they saw his hidden smiles.

But his thoughts weren't darkened because of Camila, the girl that once had big toothy smiles and black curly hair with wise words.

He darkened them himself, she just brought the light into them.

But she left.

And it wasn't

Cam or Harry

Neither was it




It was just Harry with his darkened thoughts with a pencil behind his ear with hidden smiles and paintings surrounding him.

And maybe it was just a coincidence.

Perhaps it was his mind taunting him although he wouldn't mind if it was her he was imagining.

But when he saw the curly hair girl staring at one of his paintings on that rainy Wednesday day.

He realized he still gave her the flutters.

a.n the chapters will be longer but I just wanted to get something out plus this is a short story so. Let me know what you think!

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