Chapter 6

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The night of the previews had arrived, no matter how hard I wished it wouldn't.

We were all over ourselves trying to get ready.

Sydney helped the ladies with corsets, we had people helping with hair, we all helped with makeup, and one way or another, we ended up ready, in the hallway, waiting for places call.

"Five minute call." Came a voice over the intercom.

An anxious cloud seemed to settle over all of us.

"Hey," Jonathan Groff tried to lighten the situation. "At least we're not late."

"For real though, I think this legitimately is the only performance that we will be one-hundred percent ready before places call." Andrew Chappell replied, not looking up from his phone.

"Places call." The voice from the speaker said.

I took a deep breath, and felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Don't sweat it." Anthony said. "We're gonna do fine."

I nodded, my gaze scanning the hallway full of people, until it landed on Oak. We locked eyes, until he nodded and gave me a small smile.

I nodded back, exhaling slowly.

"Leslie." Andy poked his head into the hallway. "Opening number. You guys are up."

Leslie Odom Jr. pushed himself off of the wall and walked out onto stage as the music began.

The rest of us lined up to take our spots.

It went fairly well, but when Lin came out and sang his first line, "Alexander Hamilton," the theater exploded.

And the audience didn't shut up until the song was over.

I wondered if we'd done something wrong.

I walked off-stage with everyone else, my eyes wide and my breathing labored. The other cast members were having a similar condition.

"What was that?" Betsy asked.

Lin shook his head. "I don't know, but we've got to finish it."

Those performing in 'Aaron Burr, Sir' followed him back out.

The same thing happened.


By the time the entire preview was over, we were all in tears.

I slowly changed out of my costume and hung it up on the rack, gratefully putting my sweatshirt and leggings back on.

I slung my backpack straps over my shoulders and grabbed the water bottle before heading out into the hallway, still drying my eyes.

I passed Renee in the hallway, standing outside the Schuyler Sisters' shared dressing room.

"I don't know if I'm going to be able to do that again." She said, her eyes still glazed over.

"I'm sure it'll be fine." Pippa poked her head out of the room. "Maybe they'll be a better audience."

"Maybe." I sighed. "I don't know. Hey, Jasmine." I acknowledged the third Schuyler sister as she approached us.

Anthony and Oak weren't far behind.


"You okay?"

She nodded. "Shell-shocked."

"You did fine." Anthony said to her.

"I just need to go to bed." She rubbed her eyes. "I'll see you guys tomorrow." She placed her lips gently against Anthony's cheek before throwing her jacket on and heading out.

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