Chapter 5

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<Suga Pov>
Every day I woke up, It never been the same again. When I woke up, I always heard that noises from upstair. A vomiting, Coughing, Dyspnea, Sometimes I found a patch of blood in her bed, and so many hairfalls. Y/n-ah, How can this is happened to you? Why it must be you? I know she was suffering. Even though I said we will share the pain together, I know she suffered it alone. I really can't stand it. Watched her dying but I can do nothing. Watched her helpless laying in her bad, Fighting and struggling with her Leukemia. I feel like I was the worst brother in the world.

"Y/n-ah, Here.. You have to eat something. Look. Your body, You lost so much weight!". A chuckles out from her.
"Thank you oppa. Aren't I look so beautiful? I lost so many weight and even so I lost my hair, I'm still your beautiful sister right?". I hugged her. I know she was crying. I know she held her pain.
"Stupid! I prefer to your self before you lost your weight! And you're still and always be my beautiful little sister".
"Oppa.. Please accompany me. To meet my doctor and do medical check up this night. Please accompany me".

"Hello Y/n-ssi. How are you?".
"I'm feeling well doc, I bring my big brother here with me".
"It's a good thing so your brother can control about your conditions. Here is your check up result. As you can see in your CT-scan result, The cancer cell have spread to your brain cells and your spinal cord. It's already spread over to your body. How many times I told you. Please do the chemos because your body can't stand it anymore. I know you're worry about the payment. We will try to help you with the payment. Here, Take it with you. It's a pain killer. The dose is larger than the one I gave you before." I'm speechless.. I don't know what to do. I don't know she suffered this for a long time. And now her cancer cell already reached her brain cell and her spinal cord. How can I didn't recognize anything from her? How can I didn't pay my attention to her? How can i just find it? She must do the chemo no matter what! "Y/n-ssi, I'm so sorry before. I didn't mean to scared you. Do you remember when I asked you to do a Complete blood count (CBC) test? It's a test to measuring the amounts of different cells in your blood because I'm assuming that your leukemia is Acute Myeloid Leukemia. And Here, The result is out. Take a look. Most patients with AML have too many or overproduction of immature white blood cells, and doesn't have enough red blood cells and platelets. So does you are. As we can see here, your blood overproduction of immature white blood cell than the red blood cell. These immature cells don’t work like normal mature white blood cells. I'm sorry there is some miss diagnosis, So we assuming your leukemia is an AML one not the CML. And AML is more dangerous than CML. They will kill 2 times than CML."

Along our way, no one from us want to talk. We're too busy with our own mind. I can feel her hand grip my hand so tight. 
I pulled her to my chest and let her cry.
"It's okay... It's okay... Don't worry.. Everything is gonna be okay y/n-ah.. Everything is gonna be fine... Take the chemos. Don't worry about the money. I will do many jobs to make money for you. Just do the chemos y/n..." She shake her head to me. Why? Why she doesn't want?
"What for oppa?? What for? It's useless!! Even though I do the chemos, whether it is guarantee that I'll stay alive? Does the chemos can save my life? Can it cure me when the cancer already gnaw see?r my body and my brain? In the end... IN THE END... STILL... I WILL DIE OPPA!!".
"DON'T EVER SAY SOMETHING LIKE THAT!! I'm here for you.. You still have me... Your big brother!! We will beat that disease together!! We will fight it together. I will safe you y/n!! I will save you no matter what!!".

I know it's hard.. Neither for me or her.. But I know we can beat that disease together. We can fight it together.

<Your pov>
I was in my room. Alone. Fighting the leukemia inside me. It's fight between life and death. If I lose I will die, If I win I will survive. It may seem like this disease control in my life right now, But it doesn't. Because of you, I've become Stronger, Wiser, and Braver. The fear because of your name is no longer to haunt me anymore. This is my soul. It belongs to me and God! You may intimidate my frail shell, but you will never can to intimidate my soul. That's true and that's right I always spent my days and night with fears and tears knowing my day is closer. But I will never let you to take me down into despair. For those who will fight this together with me. I want to let you know that we will never can be crushed down. Can you see leukemia? I claim you, You do NOT own my life. I own my self and I WILL SURVIVE. °

<Next day>
Like usual. My days daily routines. My conditions are getting worst. I'm getting ready to go to school. Take my beanie and cover my head with it. I put a smile and said to my self that everything is gonna be ok. I saw Sug hyung preparing some food for us. "Gomawo oppa... For stand up together with me. For Fighting together with me and for stay with me".
"I'm happy to saw your smile again. I know we can do it. You will survive y/n".

I go to school earlier than Suga oppa. I just want to take some times for my self. I felt someone grab my arm.
"Y/n-ah". "Oh.. Tae .. wha.. ahhhh". He drag me to somewhere. "What are your doing?? You kidnapping me huh? If Suga oppa know u will die ".
"Let's skip class.. and having fun today"
"What? I never skip class before"
"That's why.. Come on.. You never escape a class right? Let's make a good memory".
He know that I will never can reject if he show me his gummy smile. His smile is the best I ever witnessed in my whole life.

Beach. I don't know when is the last time I come to here. I really miss this place. This smell, The sparkle of the sand, The voices of the seagulls And when the sun set, it shines touched the horizontal line of the beach. Aren't it to beautiful for an escape? Aren't it too beautiful to see?
I felt something cold touched my cheek and I saw taehyung with a canned drink on his both hand. He passed me one of the drink. "Here". "Thank you".
"I never expected to go to this place with you. It's been my favorite place because when I was child, My parents always bring me here. It bring a good memories for me. And you're the first girl who I ever bring to this place". I was locked into his eyes. He pulled me to the spark of his eyes. Why you are so charming hm oppa?

We are standing so close. I can even feel his breath on me. I can smell the sweet of him. He hold my hand and lean his head to my head. Oppa.. oppa.. I can't deny it. I've fall into his charm. I've fallen for him.
"I Like you y/n. You distracted me and made me fall for you and now I've been fallen so hard for you". Ugh Why i cry? I should be happy. It's the most beautiful moment in my etire life. I can feel his lips touch mine. A soft, gentle and warm kiss. 
Showing our affection to each other. He pulled me into his arm "Can you hear my heart beating so fast because of you y/n?"
So do I ! My heart can't stop beating. I nodded. "I've fallen for you even before you've fallen for me " I burst into tears. Oppa, Will you still accept me when I don't have any single hair in my head? Will you still accept me when I have to sit and walk in wheelchair because i can't use my feet anymore? Will you still want to accept an unhealthy girl like me? I believe, You are a miracle that God sent to me. You're an Angle that God give to save me and accompany me so that I know God still loving me. He cupped my face and Look down to my eyes.

"Is it me or your face is paler than before? That your body is thinner than before? I'm Worry about you y/n. Are you okay?"
I shake my head. Let's me feel this beautiful even only for a views moments. "I'm okay. You are getting worried to nothing oppa. I'm okay". I give my best smile so he can believe me. He pulled or can be said dragged me into the beach. Oh my god No.. No! "No oppa don't!!" But It's too late *Splash* I'm wet. Ughh. I heard a laughter out from him. Lucky my beanie still on my head.
"Hahaha you have to see your face y/n!".
"Damn you oppa!!" I get up and started to catch him but he keep running so I started to running to catch him.
Ughh.. No.. no.. Please not now.. I running out of breath. Please don't.. I didn't bring my inhaler with me. I feel my heart is burning, My head is dizzy, Extremely hurt and My vision started to blur. I can feel a wind take off my beanie from my head. 
My hand reach out to catch him.. Oppa.. "O.. Oppa...Please stop.. Please.. Please save me.. I ca.." And that moment everything turn black. What will happen to me? Will I die? Oppa... Please help me...

<Taehyung Pov>
"O.. Oppa...Please stop.. Please.. Please save me.. I ca.." I heard something from my back. Is it y/n? I turned my head and found her fainting. My eyes widen. "Y/N!".
I did a CPR aid to her because I saw she was short of breath. I keep pumping her chest. Please.. Please.. I'm screaming "Please help!!!! help!! Call ambulance!" Lucky there was a lifeguard there.
I keep pumping till I heard the ambulance come. She was coughing and a blood come out from her. Why she loose so many of her hair? What.. What happened with her? I immediately called Suga hyung.
° "Hyung... Hyung.. Suga hyung Please come to Seoul Hospital now. Y/n.. She.. I don't know what happen to her. Please come!". "What did you do to her? What happened with her taehyung-ah!??".
"I don't know Hyung!!! Just come here!!!".
We're arrived at seoul hospital. "Get ready to the surgery room now!" Said one of the nurse. Y/n.. What is this? "Please wait outside". The operating room is closed. My chest up and down. My heart beating so fast. I heard a foot steps from my back. Suga hyung with others.
''Taehyung-ah. What has happened?" Namjoon hyung asked to me. "I don't even know what has happened hyung" And Suga hyung grab my collar.
"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER??? YOU STAY AWAY FROM HER KIM TAEHYUNG!!! DO YOU WANT TO KILL HER HUH??" I saw an anger on his eyes. What.. Has.. happened?
"Hyung.. Hyung.. Please relax. It's not taehyung fault either. Calm yourself".
"If something bad happened to her, You will pay it" I know there is something wrong with her. Hair falls, Nose bleed, A cough with blood, Short of breath, Tired. The symptoms, Wait, No.. It can't be right?
"Hyung.. Please tell me.. What is happened with her? Why did she loose many of her hair? I saw her nose bleed and now she was coughing with blood". Suga hyung look so depressed. He told us.
"She was suffered a leukemia.. I don't know since when. But the cancer cell already spread over her body until her brain cell. I'm so afraid something bad happen to her. I'm an useless brother".
What? Leukemia? Since when? How can?
"Taehyung-ah, Just forget about her. I'm afraid she can't make it. It's leukemia tae! There is only 20% she can survive!! She dying!" Suga hyung can't stand it anymore. A tears let out from my eyelids. How can? "Why did you not trust her? She was your sister, why can't you trust on her hyung? Even it's only 20%, There's still a miracle! As long as it not 0℅. She still have a chance to live!! Just fucking believe on her! She was fighting inside hyung! and I'm serious. I really serious with her hyung. I will make it. I will save her and I will never let she die"


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