Infinite Jump

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        Conventional Magazines (like ours) have page after page of articles, best and worst, and updates. A new type of magazine has taken root on Wattpad, a serialization magazine! Whats that? A magazine that publishes chapter by chapter of people's new work. It's published every two weeks with never published stories. So every two weeks authors send in a new chapter, it's like a TV show where there's new material every week! It's called Infinite Jump, it's an idea created by @NickUskoski. "It gives writers a taste of deadline writing and both publisher pressure and audience pressure, as well as learn to take advantage of the online format Wattpad provides." Writes Nick Uskoski. This can not only help new writers learn the ropes, but "old" writers getting a taste of REAL writing for a purpose, not just leisure.

        " It is a magazine, though not like any of the other ones on Wattpad which report on Wattpad or a genre, etc. Infinite Jump is a follow-up to Gatari Jump, which was a successful first attempt. The idea is to take people's works and serialize them. They write their story and have to give the chapter to the magazine. It gets published in the new issue every 2 weeks. It's kind of like reading a comic book or watching a TV drama. People are writing and posting as they go, with no intention of finishing their book. The goal is to be serialized as long as you can. Infinite Jump picks up where Gatari Jump stopped, with a lot of corrections to the original issues we had. But, then again, you won't know what problems you've got until you try.

So Infinite Jump has a profile here on Wattpad, and the first issue is being written with a hopeful release either June 25 or July 2. Writers work with editors individually to make the best story they can and Infinite Jump promotes their work and their name brand. Gatari Jump, short-lived as it was, served as a launch-pad for a few writers here on Wattpad who now consider themselves successes so with Infinite Jump, which looks more stable, we will hopefully bring a lot more of that success to writers." Says Nick Uskoski.

         Bring success to new writers, an amazing idea, a thoughtful idea, and idea that can change the way things are run. It runs 6 stories maximum at a time, that doesn't seem like a lot of writers or writing, but with people not completing deadlines and not being able to handle a more realistic situation for writing, writers go in and out. LOTS will want to try and will probably be waiting to get a taste of Infinite Jump!

"I got the idea from a combination of sources. I myself am a serial writer and found great success in the style of writing, but I find so many other people don't know about that way of writing that I wanted to promote it. It also came from my studies of manga, much of which is published in similar magazines in Japan and are very popular and great ways of getting your story noticed. I thought that I could apply that to Wattpad and so I created Gatari Jump to do exactly that. It was very successful but had a lot of problems. The weekly deadline started to be too much for people and editors and things began to unravel. After it I created the Serial Writers Guild on Wattpad to continue to promote serial writing and keep the group together. I brought back Gatari Jump recently to serve only as a collection of the first chapter of any serial work on Wattpad and when I did I got feedback from the old Gatari Jump writers thanking me for what I did and commenting on how they missed it. So I decided to create a new one in Infinite Jump, with the experience from before and plans to get backing from Wattpad to turn it into something major." Responded when asked where he got the idea.

        Check out Infinite Jump by going on @InfinteJump 's account and reading the Infinite Jump Frame work!

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