Chapter Thirty Seven

Start from the beginning

"Perhaps," he began softly. "You might mention it to him after we ask for their help." He suggested. If Jon was right in thinking Tyrion may be less likely to listen if he told him about his sister, then maybe he should save that detail for later.

"If you saw your wife's brother, and hadn't seen your wife in who knows how long, what would you ask about first?" Jon asked in return. Davos gave a half smirk at that, knowing the obvious answer. Any man who loved his wife would ask about her first thing.

Though, hopefully this will all work out somehow. They didn't have much time, afterall. Every day, the Night King moved closer.

Hopefully, Daenerys and Tyrion would be willing to listen. This was about more than just an Iron chair, more than being a King or Queen. This was about surviving and living. None of the things they had done, none of the people they had lost would matter should the Night King win. This was bigger than some political game.

This was life or death of the world as they knew it.


Sansa smiled at her sisters before she turned to Brienne, smiling slightly at her. "See that my sister's guests are well taken care of. Find them a room and warmer clothes. Also make sure they are fed." 

"Of course, my lady." Brienne replied with a nod.

Sansa nodded back before she turned and looked to the wolf pack that waited obediently. She then turned to Anari after her eyes stopped at the direwolf. "Is that Shadow?"

"Yes," Anari smiled. "She found me, and she's been with me ever since." Anari was still grateful to have her wolf back. "Perhaps there is room in the kennels for them." She suggested. Sansa looked at her incredulously, which caused Anari to smile wider. "For wild animals, they do listen to my orders."

"What are those orders?" Arya questioned. Seeing Shadow again reminded her that Nymeria was still out there as well. It made sense, thinking about it. While Grey Wind, Lady, Summer, and Shaggy Dog were all gone, Ghost, Shadow, and Nymeria were still alive.

"I could show them." Idan offered. The sisters looked to Anari again, watching as she nodded. Though, Anari turned to Sansa, as she was the one Jon left in charge, not her. While Idan was her friend, Sansa was currently in charge of Winterfell.

"Very well." Sansa replied, able to see that Anari was looking to her to give permission. Which she thought was a little ridiculous, considering she was the older sister. Even so, Brienne and Podrick led Idan and Ethon away, Idan speaking to the wolves and getting them to follow. Though, Idan glanced at Anari who nodded again, letting him know he could trust Brienne. She remembered Brienne from the inn. And if she was here, under Sansa's command, then clearly something had changed. 

"Thank you, my Lady." Idan said as he passed Sansa. She nodded back to him, surprised by his manners. Anari had taught him enough about how the nobles did things, that he remembered what to say. He also had manners of his own anyway, and considering she was the Lady of Winterfell, he may as well show that he understood that fact.

"Follow me," Sansa said as she looked to her sisters once more. As the sister's turned to head to the crypt, they faced a smiling Lord Baelish. What was he doing here? Anari thought bitterly. He should have been at the Vale, not here. He didn't belong in her home, he tainted it with his very presence. Anari resisted the urge to scowl, instead, smiling back as he approached.

"Lord Baelish." She greeted, though her tone was curt as she addressed him. He didn't seem to notice, however.

"Lady Anari," he replied.  "You cannot imagine how happy I am to see you again." He continued, walking closer to her. "To see you again is a true delight."

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