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Name: Mizu

Last name: Dragonheart

Gender: Female 

Magic: Water Dragon Slaying

Age: 16

Description: Long Blue hair in a braid, light blue eyes, usually wears an ice blue shirt with black jeans, wears a pearl necklace and small sapphire earrings, has blue-green flats

Background: She lived in a small town and she would often play in the woods. One day, she found Coral, a dragon. She went to the woods everyday to play and practice water dragon slaying magic. One day, when she went back to her town, bandits were stealing and killing others. someone set a house on fire and it began to spread. Mizu used her water dragon slaying, but majority of the town was killed, including her parents.

Personality: Sharp tongue, will help a family member, curses a lot, can kill someone like it's no problem

Likes: Family, water('cause she eats it), weapons, Coral(the dragon and exceed), her dead family, woods, the colors blue, green, and black

Dislikes: Bandits, heat, fire, being ordered around


Name: Coral

Gender: Female

Description: A blue-green exceed with green eyes, a black dress, and an earring

Personality: Cheerful, dark sense of humor, will help family, dangerous if you get her mad

Likes: Mizu, family, archery, exploring

Dislikes: Sweet stuff, bandits, thieves

Human form appearance: A pale girl with blue-green hair, bright green eyes, a black dress with black leggings and dark blue flats, has a silver earring

Magic: Area, can control water a little bit, can stay in human form for an hour

Extra Info: Mizu and Coral go on a lot of adventures but they live in a small village. The village chief is the second adoptive father of Mizu. 

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