“Meg, are you… decent?” He asked.

“Yes, come in.” she said, sitting so she could get a good view of Erik. She saw a shadow move and Erik emerged from the dark. The first thing Meg noticed was how tall he was, he had to be at least seven or eight inches taller than herself! Slowly she took in the rest of him, his dark hair, piercing blue eyes and finally… the mask. “Le Fantôme!” Meg gasped.

“Are you afraid of me too?” Erik asked softly, as though he knew the answer.

“Not afraid, just surprised.” Meg said. “I thought you would be with your lady love.”

Erik was silent for a while and then said “Christine left with Raoul.”

“Oh! I’m sorry!” Meg said. “What happened?”

“I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t keep her and go through with my plan.” He said softly. “That stupid prince of hers came to her rescue and I let her go. I didn’t even fight. She looked so happy when she saw him…” Tears started rolling down the Phantom’s cheeks. Meg went to place a hand on his arm but he moved away slightly. He wiped his eyes and said “Now let’s see what I can do for your injuries.” He picked up a roll of cloth and sat on the bed next to her. “You’re going to have to roll up your dress to your knee, okay?” Meg blushed a bit and nodded as she pulled her dress up as he instructed. She gasped when she saw the big purple and blue bruises that covered her right leg. “I’m going to warn you that this may hurt, but I have to do it, okay?”

“Alright.” Meg answered, bracing herself. Erik held the beginning of the cloth on her ankle and he took a deep breath before he started to twist the cloth tightly around her leg. It is suffice to say that Meg didn’t cry… She SCREAMED. Meg Giry, who was the toughest and bravest of the ballet rats, was sobbing and screaming as poor Erik tried to bind her leg. Meg attempted to keep her mouth shut, but the pain kept her from it.

“Meg, I’m sorry but there’s nothing I can do for you!” Erik said over her sobs. “I’m almost done!” Erik finished binding her leg and then he ran out of the room, returning a few minutes later with bread and water.

“What’s this for?” she asked as she took a bite.

“For you, I’m sure you are hungry.” He answered, sitting next to her.

“I… thank you Erik.” Meg said in slight surprise. The Phantom isn’t as heartless as they say! Meg thought, smiling a little.

“After you finish dinner I will tend to your burns.” He said Meg looked at him with wide eyes as he added “It won’t hurt as much, thankfully.”

Meg was silent as Erik wrapped her arms too, ignoring the dull thump of pain which was defiantly not as bad as her leg had been! “Thank you.” Meg said softly.

“You’re welcome.” He said. “Now you should get some rest! I’ll have breakfast ready in the morning.” With that he walked away, leaving her to sleep.

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