I looked down and smiled, letting go of her, "H-Hi." She snuggled back into me, "Are you okay?"

Her face fell, "Y-Yeah."

I sighed, "What did you dream about?"

Mac sniffled, "My daddy was hurting you." I was lost for words... This little girl was screaming for my safety yet I can't even tell her that I love her. Mac touched my face, "You okay momma?"

I smiled, "Yeah, i'm good."

Great, now I'm lying to her.



The man that I'm supposed to be in love with looked up from making dinner. "Mm?"

I sighed, "I'm really sorry I can't remember. I'm trying."

He placed a gentle kiss on my forehead. "I know you are Dems."

I put my head in my hands, "It' just so unbelievably frustrating. I look at Mac and I feel such a strong connection. I see the pictures and the videos but it's just not clicking for me. I'm just so... ugh."

Feeling his arms wrap around me I leaned back into his warm chest. I hadn't realized I was crying until dark spots appeared on his gray shirt. My feet were lifted off of the floor and Nick carried me to the living room, settling me on the couch. When he pulled away I gripped his shirt, unable to let go of the only person who was familiar to me, bestfriend or not.

"Don't leave me." He nodded and laid down, allowing me to snuggle into his side. "I'm sorry, I want to remember so bad, but I just can't... it's like an entire part of me is missing, just gone."

Nick kissed me forehead again, "I know it's scary baby, but it's going to be okay. The doctor said it was only temporary. Don't worry Dems."

I sniffled, "He also said there is a chance it won't come back."

Suddenly, Nick leaned down and lifted my chin with his finger, "Demi, don't worry about the past. You'll always be loved by me and Mac, and your family and your fans. You may have forgotten, but no one will ever... ever forget you."

With that, it was me who closed the gap between our mouths.


"Momma!" I opened one eye and squinted at the five year old sitting on my bed.

"What is it Mackenzie?" She pouted and poked my stomach.

"Why do you keep callin' me that?" I sighed in annoyance.

"What do you mean?"

Mac laid next to me, mimicking my sigh, "Mackenzie... My name is Mac momma."

I lifted a eyebrow, "Mac momma? What are you, a rapper?"

She giggled, "Hell yeah motherfucker!"

Immediately, I put my hand over her mouth, "Mackenzie! Where did you hear that word?!" She mumbled something under my hand but I couldn't hear it, "What?"

Mac pulled my hand away and put it on my mouth, "You. Remember?"


I slammed on my brakes and laid on the horn as a black Hyundai cut me off. "What the hell?! You stupid motherfucker you could've killed me! Cut me off again and see what fucking happens!" I yelled at the oblivious teenage driver. Mac giggled in the backseat and I sighed, "You didn't hear that." She just laughed again making me join in.

end flashback


I blinked, dazed from the memory, "Yeah babygirl, I remember."

I walked downstairs carrying Mac and saw Nick smiling at us. Putting her down so she could play I walked over to him.


He nodded, "Hey babe- sorry." He muttered, I ignored the slip.

"I remembered something."

Instantly, Nick's face lit up and he walked over to me, "That's great! What was it?"

I sighed, "It wasn't much... but it was me in the car with Mac, and I was.. cursing."

He smirked and ran the pad of his thumb over my lips, "You never could control that mouth of yours."

I reached up and kissed him lightly, "Well you would know."

Nick ran his hands lightly down my sides, "I can't wait until you remember everything, but it's the past. We need to look towards the future, like Christmas! What do you want to do for Mac? I don't know how much you want to spend.."

I cut him off by holding up my hand, "I want to spoil that kid to the point where she can't even open all of them in one day."

Nick grinned, "I'm down."

We decided to go to Toys R Us to buy her stuff but as Mac walked yelling that she was hungry she quickly became Nick's priority.

"Watcha want for breakfast?"

She smiled, "McDonald's!"


I was standing in the kitchen after burning my attempt at cooking again. "So what now?" I asked my five year old daughter.

She grinned, "Mac Domulds!" I chuckled and squatted down to her height.

"Its McDonald's babygirl. Like... MAC, Donald, sssss."

She smiled, with one tooth still missing it gave her a slight lisp. "MacDonaldths."

I kissed her cheek, trying not to laugh, "Perfect,"

End flashback

"Demi.... You okay?"

I snapped out of the memory into reality and looked up with a huge smile, "Yeah! Perfect."

Nick chuckled and gave me a knife then pointed towards the fridge "Get some veggies out, starting cutting them up and I'll make some sandwiches."

I nodded, and took out celery, carrots, broccoli and tomatoes, then began to cut them into long pieces. As I got to the tomatoes Nick appeared behind me. He wrapped an arm around my waist like it was the most natural thing in the world and held me cut the fruit.

Then he kissed my cheek, "You always used to complain about squishing them." I smiled and blushed, not knowing what to say.

"Momma?" I turned at once, starting to get used to my new greeting.

"Yeah baby?"

Mac looked curious, "Mad-Mad said that you guys are gonna make babies." She stated matter-of-factly, "Can you hurry up?"


Ooookay hope you guys liked it! Shoutout to @/Nirvanaslovato because she gave me a bunch of memory ideas for this!



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Next Update; Wednesday!


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