Chapter Forty-Four

Start from the beginning

The first guard to attack received a punch in the face. The second got a kick where it hurts. Both fell to the floor.

I wasn't very lucky with the other two.

The third got a hold of my wrist from my backside, flipping me around. The fourth managed to clip a handcuff on one of my wrists.

"Let... go..." I gritted my teeth. "I'm just a kid."

I tried to break free but their grip on me was too strong. I could've easily ripped the piece of metal off if they just let go...

"You're coming with us, Miss," One of the guards said, his voice so deep it seemed like he was acting. "Your mother would want to see you."

"Or, we could just-" I tried to get into their heads and try to control them, but my head started hurting. Something was cancelling me out.

I was half dragged down a passageway I've been through many times before. I did spend way too much time in headquarters after I awoke, yet somehow found nothing. It wasn't long before I was tossed into my mother's office, the guards slamming the door behind me.

I looked up, expecting to find a scowl on my mother's face. But no. She, along with Mr. Miller, helped me to me feet, unlocking the handcuffs from my wrists and told me to take a seat with a cup of a warm drink.

"What are you doing here?" Mr. Miller asked. "What are you doing here with an outsider?"

I tried to teleport out of there but my head started hurting again. Oh, why does this always happen to me?

"Drink it," Mom said. "It'll help with the headache."

I looked down at the drink, remembering what happened last time she gave me a glass of something in the middle of a crisis. I placed the cup down, not taking chances.

"Have you finally decided to return to us?" Mr. Miller asked.

"Course not," I said simply. "Why would I do that?"

"What's the boy doing here?" He asked once more.

"He... followed me and wanted to know what I was doing," I fibbed. He did "follow me here".

Mr. Miller looked at me coldly. "Do not lie to me. Isn't the boy your boyfriend? Doesn't he have siblings here? You were trying to break kids out, weren't you?"

"Well, what you're doing isn't right," I snapped back. "Kidnapping kids. Using mind control on the other Evolutians-"

"And is it considered right when you do it yourself?" He asked.

"I'm fighting for good," I say, remembering the conversation I had with Jessica after walkign out of the coffee shop.

He looked me closely in the eye. "You'll always be the bad guy, L-"

The door then burst open, a familiar face at the door. Cole had what looked like a gun in his hands. He pointed it at my mom and Mr. Miller, pulling the trigger after pointing at each person. Both adults fell to the floor.

I looked at him with wide eyes.

"They aren't bullets," Cole said immediately. "Tranquilizer gun. They'll be awake soon."

"Where'd you get that?" I asked.

"Oh, found it. I also beat up a few guards..." His voice started trailing off.

I smiled. "Good boy. Now the kids-"

A very energetic Sofia then walked into the room, holding a sleeping Laura in her arms. "This is the best day ever. Tyson should take me on more missions in the future. They're fun."

"Sofia, you're okay," I said, relieved. "And is Laura...?"

"I found her asleep, unharmed. I don't know if they've done anything to her, though," Cole said, a bit of worry in his voice. "But..." He comes closer to me. "Sofia has powers."

"What?" I asked loudly, turning to the girl. "Sofia, you have powers?"

She nodded eagerly. "I'm just like you and Aidan and Tyson now, yay!" She handed Laura to Cole and wrapped a hand around my hand and one around his. "Look at this!"

Before I could understand what was going on, we were traveling at the speed of light again. One moment, we were at the Institute. The next we were lying on the floor of main hallway in the palace.

"We're home," Sofia exclaimed loudly. "Did you miss us?"

Cole slowly made his way to his feet as he picked up a now crying Laura. He offered me a hand to help me up but I rejected, deciding to stay on the floor a little while longer.

And that's when another doorway burst open, revealing Tyson, Taylor and King Jacin.

"Sofia?" Tyson called, running up to her. He held the little girl in his arms for a long time before letting go. Then he turned to us. At the sight of Cole, he kind of turned nervous, realizing that someone else knew that he and Sofia were siblings, but it didn't take long for him to go back to what he was about to say. "What the hell did you do?"

"I can explain," I mumbled, trying to get up but slumping to the floor immediately.

"No, I could do it," Cole said. "You need rest." When I gave him an unsure look, he continued. "I got this, get some sleep."

Taylor helped me to my feet and walked me upstairs, telling me that she'll call Spencer after I get in bed.

I nodded as she continued to speak, not really hearing what she was saying.

All I could pay attention to was the item in my sweater pocket.

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