The Confrontation

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AN: still learning how to work wattpad, if I use something you've seen in other stories it's because I thought it would fit nicely. I'm not trying to steal, the rights to this story go to Dick Wolf and the SVU episode writers ( and NBC).

*knock knock knock* "MOMMY SOMEONES AT THE DOOR!" Noah shouted excitedly. "Hold on sweet boy, I'll get it." Liv responded, but unfortunately she was too late. The door was now open, giving her a perfect view of who was on the other side. "Mommy who's this?" Noah asked, confused. "Noah, honey, go brush your teeth and get in your jammies, I'll be there shortly." When Noah was gone Liv glared at him. "What the hell are you doing here Elliot, how did you get my address?" "Munch." He replied. "Can I come in?" He asked. "Not a chance." She said and shut the door.  Elliot heard Noah shouting, "Mommy I done my teeth can you read me a stowy??" And Liv replying, "Of course my love." And then them walking into another room. About 15 minutes later he heard one set of footsteps walk back and he knocked on the door again. She opened it with a sigh and an eye roll and let him in. She motioned for him to take a seat on the couch and she grabbed them each something to drink.  He turned around after a little while. It had been almost 10 minutes, what was she doing? What he saw was Liv gripping the counter struggling to keep her composure as she tried to keep tears from falling. Elliot walked across the room, put a hand on her shoulder, and asked her what's wrong, and that was enough to break her. This indestructible woman he'd worked side by side with for 12 years was crumbling before his very eyes. He pulled her into his arms and stroked her hair. She sobbed quietly and she whispered," Why?" She was trembling. "You never picked up the phone, you never contacted me, you moved, you practically went off the grid. Why?" He sighed. "Liv, I shot her, I killed her. Jenna didn't deserve that. I kinda fell into a state of depression and I couldn't face the job again. As soon as I put my papers in I stopped receiving calls from you and I thought you were upset with me so I just ran from the whole situation." He guided he over to the couch, and as they sat down he could clearly see she was still crying. He pulled her back into his arms stroking
her hair and rubbing her back as she cried until she fell asleep.

Yes I do realize that it's very uncharacteristic for Liv to break like that but what the hell. Why not? I couldn't think of any other way to write the confrontation between them after so long without Stabler ending up in the hospital. Sorry for the long space between updates I had a lot of school stuff going on and then PARCC testing and birthdays and then my mom took my phone. I'm hoping to decrease my time between updates. Thank you for your patience.

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