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Ophelia wished she could hide in plain sight again when people started to notice her again. And it wasn't a good kind of publicity, no matter what people told you. She had done it again.

A nameless, faceless Ravenclaw had made the worst decision of his life when he decided to catcall Ophelia Edwards.

"What did you just say?" She had asked, her crystal blue eyes growing darker by the second. He had smirked back.

"I said you got a nice ass, babe, wish you didn't cover up your face with those awful glasses," he said, clearly thinking that he was being attractive and sexy. Ophelia though far from it, or she would have, if her curse hadn't polluted her mind. For a Ravenclaw, the teenager was incredibly stupid to provoke Ophelia Edwards.

Her slender fingers grasped his neck, her eyes black as pitch. He dangled off of the floor, trying to loosen her grasp.

"Pumpkin, I don't know who you think I am," Ophelia snarled, "but that shit gets you killed where I come from."

"Where on Earth do you come from?" The boy managed to choke out, as Ophelia's features grew more distorted as her grip tightened. A twisted smile grew on her demonic face as she dropped the boy and whispered in his ear.

"Hell." She drove her foot into his throat with considerable force until a foot shaped bruise appeared next to the hand shaped one. Purposefully stepping on his wrist with a satisfying crack as she walked out, she left the scene, her head held high, her eyes still black.

Minutes later, the darkness faded from her eyes and Ophelia was left drained, crying and pitiful towards the boy. Yes, he had acted inappropriately, but his life was in danger. Not to mention, it was Ophelia's fault.

Remus, Sirius, James and Peter found her sobbing in an odd corner of the school. She pulled off of her glasses and wiped her eyes. By now, the whole school would know what she had done.

"What do you want?" she said bitterly, wiping her face off with her sleeve.

"Edwards..." Sirius said, but he couldn't seem to get through with all that he wanted to say.

"That was scary as hell," Peter finally said. Her head snapped up but she shut her eyes, sucking in tight breaths of air.

"You think I wanted to do that?" She asked, her voice quiet but not soft. "You think I wanted to stand there and nearly kill a boy?" There was a collective murmur. She looked back up at them with her odd navy blue eyes. "I'm cursed."

"Ophelia, don't say that," Remus said gently.

"It's true," she said, her mask gone, and all of her bitterness and pain put forth. "I was cursed when I was seven, I am an actual weapon. Whenever I get angry, I loose control and I have to batter, bruise, hurt people. That's why I don't have friends. That's why I don't talk to people. Because with me, an argument is deadly. I don't keep my wand on me except for lessons for that reason." She sat there a second, wallowing in her self pity. "I was a weapon created for the war." Her voice was trembling now tears were falling fast down down her slender face. Her shaking body was soon pulled into a warm hug. And it was his scent that calmed her- that unnameable combination of all of the things that she loved, and most especially him.

"It's going to be all right, Lia," Remus muttered into her ear. These words brought a soft smile onto her face.

"Thank you, Remus," she said, her face back to normal, no longer displaying the emotions that she kept deep inside of her chest. Except for one that shone brightly in her opalescent eyes, hidden behind the thick frames.


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