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As the twins watched Emilia walk down the corridor they turn to their parents. "What's going on?"

Arthur informed the older siblings What was happening after he requested them to be at Hogwarts. McGonagall informed Percy as she had the other prefect lead the students to the dorms. The older boys were all in shock and when the twins got the answer they were looking for they were heartbroken.

"This isn't good. S-she-she's already-" George looked ready to cry and Fred looked ready to kill.

"They left her but kept him? What the hell how could you do that to your kid?"

"Fred, language!"

He didn't hear his mothers scolding as he was making his way down the hallway with George in tow. They were going to find their sister and find out what happened. As they got a few corridors down they could hear her muffled crying. She was sat between two bench seats on the floor.

Kneeling in front of her they couldn't get her to even look up. They each took a hand and pulled her to her feet moving her to a bench seat. Fred held both her hands sitting on one side of her and George had his arm wrapped around her shoulders sitting on the other.

"Em please talk to us." George tried and she sniffed and looked between them.

"T-they kept him, they dropped me off at a bloody orphanage but kept him. I -I look just like her. The mother. I guess my mother?" Emilia whimpered before leaning into George and letting out her cries. "What if mum and dad decide to leave me?" It was hardly a whisper but the two heard it and shared a look over her head. The three didn't notice their family at the end of the corridor watching the two sit in silence as they allowed her to cry.

Molly had a trail of silent tears steadily running down her face. Arthur couldn't bear to watch, Percy was the first to move. Making his way over the three in the bench. They didn't notice him until he was right In front of them. Kneeling down he patted Emilia's knee. "Emilia. Let's get you to your dorms okay? Does that sound better being in bed? It'll be a lot more comfortable then leaning against George and sitting on a stone bench."

With a nod the twins were on their feet and helping her up. Percy was walking in front of them so no one would dare say anything to the Weasleys that were out of bed. They started towards their parents and the four stopped. Emilia was almost hyperventilating, causing her parents and Professor McGonagall to rush towards her, but after the crying and all Emilia passed out onto the floor. Fred caught her head and she was quickly taken to the hospital wing.

"My word it's the first day of school!" Madam pomfrey shouted as they made their way in with her. They laid her on a bed at the back and she checked Emilia over. "Honestly she seems just fine, maybe pure exhaustion but that's it." Everyone in the room sighed in relief.

McGonagall quickly told the three Weasleys to head to bed as she had already sent Harry and Ron on their way with the Hufflepuff prefect to make sure they got there. Fred and George looked like they were about to argue but with the looks from their mum and head of house they decided against it. Percy kissed his mothers cheek and made his way out the door as the twins still didn't move. "Fred, George. Go to bed."

"Dad you didn't hear what she said tonight, someone needs to stay with her. She's terrified you two will leave her like the potters did. She's always had that thought in the back of her mind but it came through tonight. Her worst fears were realized, Mum. She doesn't want to be abandoned again."

After George said What he did he and Fred stood still until one of his parents agreed to stay the night. "I'll stay son, your mother needs to go take care of Ginny."

Fred nodded turning and him and George made their way to the Gryffindor common room. Ron and Harry were still wide awake when the door opened revealing the twins.

"Where's em?" Ron asked as soon as they sat opposite of the two. "And did you two know she was adopted?"

"Yes we did Ron. She's never wanted anyone to know though afraid they'll look at her differently. You can't say a word either of you." George looked between the two boys.

Ron nodded and glanced to harry. "I don't understand. I have a sister I knew nothing about but I'm not able to speak about her?"

"Not in the sense that your her brother Harry. Y-you don't know what she's been through, at least you knew your parents loved you but died. She was in a orphanage until we were about three and a half."

Fred quickly agreed with his twin, "Yeah Harry she's always had this thought that maybe she was from a bad relationship or something. She never assumed she was from a couple that just gave her up."

"Now she's frighten mum and dad will give her up too." George added and Ron nearly fell out of his seat.

"Mum and dad wouldn't do that! Not in a million years."

"I know Ron But it's just the way she's thinking right now. She'll be in the hospital wing for the rest of the night."

As Fred and George got up they started walking towards their dorms, "I won't tell, I wont mention it until she brings it up first."

Emilia began to stir, her head was pounding. Slowly opening her eyes she didn't know quite where she was but then she heard a familiar snoring she got accustomed to over the past ten years. Looking over she saw her father asleep in a chair beside the hospital bed she was lying in. Quickly the memories from the night before flooded to her. James Potter was her father and Lily Evans Potter was her mother. Gripping her head she let out a small groan which woke her father.

"Em! You're awake!" Arthur all but yelled and hugged her tightly. She didn't hug him back and he awkwardly dropped his arms. "Emilia I'm so sorry I didn't tell you."

"You knew? You and mum knew all along who my biological parents were? You let me think the worst, Well I don't know which is worse. Thinking I was convinced of a horrible relationship or that i was just not the right kid and cast aside?"

Emilia felt the familiar prick of tears behind her eyes and she got up. She didn't need the answer she knew the answer. Arthur watched as his daughter made her way out of the room not even uttering a goodbye.

Walking past few of the early risers in the school Emilia didn't see Cedric before she bumped into him.

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