"Good morning, Khloe. Nice to see you." Harry smiled at me before he shoveled a fork full of eggs into his mouth. Gemma turned to me, also smiling and saying a hello.

  "Morning." Uhhh, okay?  I smiled as Gem sat a hot plate of eggs and buttered toast in front of me.

  "What? Not a morning person?" Harry elbowed me in the ribs, his brown fedora slanting a bit off his head. He quickly fixed the cuffs of his red flannel before fixing his hat. I noticed that he had taken out his eyebrow piercing, however his lip one was still in place.

  He looked so different like this- more attractive. It was almost weird. I was so used to his normal black skinny jeans- which he was still wearing- his loose black t-shirt, with his brown boots. His tattoos stuck out against the red material, and were almost see-through, through his white under shirt.

"Earth to Khloe?" He spoken up again, drawing me out of my thoughts with a chuckle and a wave in front of my face.

  "Huh?" I asked Harry before mumbling a thanks to Gemma.

  He just laughed and shook his head, a smile still plastered on his lips. Okay, why the hell is he being so friendly? This is weird.I just shook my head too, starting to eat my eggs.

Not a minute later, a knock was heard on the door and I jumped out of my seat to answer it.

  Every one turned to see Luke standing in the door way, smiling like a little five year old with his hands folded together behind his back. He gave a small nod to Harry and Gemma before looking back down to me. "Hey, babe."

  "Hey." I bit my lip to surpress a smile as he leant down to give me a kiss on the cheek.

  "Would you like to do the honour of walking to class with me?" He asked as he straightened his posture to seem more formal. I chuckled and nodded before for turning around to grab my bag, phone, and wrap off my bed.

  Luke grabbed my bag and I stuffed my phone into my pocket in order clear my hands so that way I could easily wrap my wrist without trouble.

  I really hate this thing. It's such a pain. And it makes my hand and arm sweat like crazy. I could feel Luke's eyes on me as I finally finnished it and hooked it with the pin.

  This is all your fault, dumbass. But it's okay, because you're a pretty cute dumbass at that..


  "Okay, class. Take your seats for just a couple minutes." The room grew quiet and everyone sat down as the professor took attendance.

  "Where's lover boy?" Louis smirked at me as he sat down next to me?

  "Who? Luke doesn't have this class.." I whispered back, playing with the edges of my notebook.

  Louis rolled his eyes, smiling. "Niall, you idiot." He chuckled.

  Oh... I glanced around the room, only to see no sign or trace of the blonde, once again. I shrugged, "Who knows." I haven't seen him since Saturday when he dropped me off.

  "Okay, for home-. Nice of you to show, Horan." I glanced up as Niall rushed into class, his hair a little disheveled. He suddenly caught my eye before he rolled his, glancing back to Professor Jones. I glanced back down, my heart starting to beat faster for some reason.

  "Yeah, yeah. Whats the homework? I have to get to my game." There's a soccer game tonight? I wonder why Seth didn't tell me.. he said he would?

  "Okay, class. Homework is to write a 1000 word essay based on a current event that is happening in the state of Georgia- Due Friday at the beginning of class. You are all dismissed."

Frozen (Frat Boy Niall) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now