"Now lass you can't mean that," he tries to reason. "You're the princess. You're supposed to marry the winner."

"I. Am. Not. Some. Prize. You can not win me that way and you never will. Why does everyone think I even want this?! Just go away!" (kinda reminds me of Aladdin, anyone else?)

I run away from him. Tears fall from my eyes as my face felt hot with anger. How could everyone think this was okay? It's like I'm some kind of prize to be won to them. Am I even a person to them?


*Quick pov change to Scotland*


The princess had just ran into me. I stand up and ask what I did to deserve that. I am the guy who would of won her hand, if she hadn't interferred. She is beautiful and I didn't even know she could shoot like that. That was amazing how she shot my arrow in half.

Just leave me alone," (y/n) mutters trying to walk away.

"I don't think so," I say grabbing her arm. (y/n) is strange. Its making me even more curious about what she can do. I mean she was able to shoot an arrow in half, that takes quite a lot of skill. "That was some shot ye did back there. Now why did you do it? Did ya not want me to win ya?"

(y/n) pulls her arm away from me, and angrily turns to me. Oops?

"No I didn't. In fact I didn't want to marry any of you," she informs me her face turning red with anger.

"Now lass you can't mean that," I try to reason. It's tradition. She can't be against it this much. Right? "You're the princess. You're supposed to marry the winner."

"I. Am. Not. Some. Prize. You can not win me that way and you never will. Why does everyone think I even want this?! Just go away!"

(Y/n) runs away with more tears pouring from her eyes. I sigh looking down. I actually kinda like her, but she's making it so hard to get her to like me. Whatever happened before she ran into me must of made her upset and I didn't help, I guess.


*Regular pov*


I ride away from the castle on Angus. I couldn't take it there any longer. I couldn't stand to face Mother or dad, or anyone, especially that stuck up Scotland. How could he think that?!

Angus runs deeper into the woods. My tears falling onto his coat. I was in such a rush I didn't put on his saddle or harness, so I hung on by his maine.

We went deeper into the forest than we've ever been before. Branches hit me as Angus runs past them. Angus suddenly stops with a whine, throwing me off his back and onto the hard ground.

"Whoa!" I yell out as I make impact on the ground. I guess I forgot about this part. Man that hurt much more than I thought it would. "Angus?" I sob out, the pain adding to my tears.

He whines and snorts not wanting to get any closer. I look around, my tears stopping as noticing I had landed in the ring of stones. They were much taller than me and with Angus not wanting to enter, made it all the more creepy.

A sound makes its way to my ears, and I notice a will-o'-the-wisp on the other side of the ring. I cautiously make my way over there. It disappears as I get closer. A trail of will o' the wisps appears and I start to follow them.

"Come on Angus," I whisper, only receiving a nicker from him. "Angus!"

Ignoring the horse I start to follow the wisps. As I expected Angus soon followed me. The wisps soon lead me through the forest into an unknown part. In a clearing was a cottage in a hill? I think.

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