Getting Ready with Adelaide and Cole

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Interviewer: Adelaide, what do you look for in a husband?

Adelaide: Very humorous, charming, dedicated to things that he is very passionate about. I definitely want someone who is smart, and is a problem solver.

Interviewer: How many relationships have you been in, before this marriage, and how many of those were serious?

Adelaide: I have never actually been in a relationship so this is all new to me.

Interviewer: And why is that?

Adelaide: I have no explanation. I just don't get along with people that well. It could be the possibility that people just think I'm ugly and annoying or not enough.

Interviewer: So you don't feel as if your good enough?

Adelaide: No one has ever told me that they liked me, so yeah, I do feel that way.

Interviewer: Okay, let's move on. Do you think that Cole will be a good first husband?

Adelaide: Cole, don't make me regret saying this. I think he is probably really understanding when it comes to me and that definitely leads me to think that he will be a good husband but I can't be so sure yet.

Interviewer: Do you know Cole well enough to marry him?

Adelaide: Of course not. I don't know what I had for dinner last week. How am I supposed to have time to get to know Cole as well as someone in a relationship?

Interviewer: Point taken. Do you feel that this will show you more of the adult side of the world that you've yet to connect with?

Adelaide: Oh, most definitely.

Interviewer: Great, are you having fun getting ready? Your hair is so beautiful. I can't wait to see your makeup finished.

Adelaide: I am loving getting ready. Don't tell Cole this, but I think he did a wonderful job picking all this out. He's done the makeup, the dress, the hair, he even picked me up a bouqet.

Interviewer: Well I'll have to remember to keep that in the hush hush about this. I can't believe he did all of that for you.

Adelaide: I bet he's doing it for the views.

Interviewer: I guess we'll see when throughout this series then.

Adelaide: I guess we will.

Interviewer: Alright, it was great interviewing you, I will now go visit your lovely soon to be  husband and see his side's of things.

Adelaide: Alright, have fun!

Interviewer: Congratulations by the way!

Adelaide: Oh thank you dear! Bye bye now!

Interviewer: Bye!

Cole: Hello!

Interviewer: Hello, it's great to meet you! Congratulations, your soon to be wife is so cute. A little shy, but cute.

Cole: Yeah, it's definitely a cute quality to have.

Interviewer: So I am going to be interviewing you with the same questions that we had asked Adelaide. Are you ready to begin?

Cole: Alright, hit me with your best shot.

Interviewer: Cole, what do you look for in a wife?

Cole: I personally look for a women who are strong and independent. She's not dependent on Mommy or Daddy or a guy all the time. She makes her own choices and someone who can definitely cook. I can't cook to save my life. I also want her to be funny and definitely unique.

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