Ch. 3

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"Dear God, cellulitis? No wonder her leg is so swollen," Johnny exclaimed, running a hand through his dark hair, flabbergasted at what they had just heard. He and Roy were in the doctor's lounge, drinking coffee and worrying about their younger partner after Dixie had shooed them out of the exam room. John and Roy exchanged worried glances with each other.

The doctors and Dix had come into the lounge, joining the two paramedics at the table. Dixie filled three mugs with steaming coffee for herself and Kel and Joe. Their faces showed the tension of the past twenty minutes with the youngest paramedic from Station 51.

"Its definitely a nasty infection," Kel replied, taking the cup of coffee that was offered him by Dixie. He took a sip, relishing the warmth.

"Is she going to be okay?" Roy asked, glancing at the two doctors, worry evident in his crystal blue eyes.

"Eventually, but I'm going to warn you, it's going to get worse before it gets better. We started her on IV antibiotics for now, then we are switching to oral. We are going to keep her for a little while so we can keep an eye on the infection and make sure it goes down. She'll need to rest for at least three weeks after we release her and that's a minimum," Joe replied, glancing at the two worried firefighters. To be honest, he and Kel had been worried themselves when Karen had thrown up again once she was in the exam room and her leg was continuing to swell.

Johnny shook his head. "I just don't get it. She rested, kept an eye on her leg. She did what she had been told to do. She was so sick," he said quietly, running his hand through his hair again, sending a glance over at his partner.

"I know John, but even though she did everything right, she still picked up an infection. It just happens sometimes."

"I know Doc. I guess it just looks really bad."

"I know it does. Her poor leg is swollen about triple its normal size. Most likely it will swell more before the antibiotics kick in. We are giving her a pain medicine as well, since her leg is really sensitive right now. She screamed when Dix tried to cover her with a sheet. Anything touching her leg is hurting her so badly. We are going to get her settled upstairs and then we'll let you up to see her," Joe said as he and Kel stood.

"Don't worry, I'll be back to get you guys," Dix said, following the doctors out of the room. Dixie herself was worried, seeing how sick the young paramedic was. She headed back to the treatment room with the doctors to check on their young friend.


Karen was trying to get comfortable, as comfortable as you could with your leg propped up on two pillows and the skin glowing red. She sighed as she shifted for the umpteenth time, trying not to move her leg.

"This cannot be happening," she said out loud to herself. She stared at the ceiling, so many thoughts running though her head.

She had just found a sweet spot when there was a knock on the door before it opened, revealing Roy and John.

"Hey guys," Karen said quietly, offering a small smile to her partners as they entered her room. She was starting to feel sleepy from the antibiotic that was being pumped into her veins from the IV and the pain medicine that was allowing her to rest without too much pain.

"How are you feeling?" Johnny asked as he sat down next to the bed, Roy on the other side. They both made sure to keep from jostling her leg.

She sighed before answering, "It could be worse I guess."

"Yeah it could be," Roy replied. He could almost feel the heat radiating off of her skin. Seeing her skin red and shiny was very disconcerting.

She cleared her throat before saying, "Thanks for helping me, earlier. I knew something was going on, but I swear it wasn't this bad when I went to bed."

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