Ch. 2

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She pulled into the station, parking in her normal spot. She grabbed her duffel and made her way into the station. She checked the locker room, making sure none of the guys were there. She then entered, stowing her gear in her locker then headed to the day room.

She grabbed a cup of coffee and the paper and made her way to the couch. "Okay Henry, you have to share today with me," she said, putting her coffee cup on a chair next to the couch before pushing the dog to the other end. She sat down, propping her leg up slightly, before beginning to read the paper. Henry made his way over to her, laying down on her lap and closed his eyes.

Cap and Mike came into the room, glancing over at one third of the paramedic team. "Hey Karen, how are you feeling?" Mike asked, snatching a mug for he and Cap, filling them with coffee.

"Better. I was going stir crazy at home, since I was on a restriction. I'm glad to be back to work," she replied, taking a sip of her coffee, rubbing Henry behind his ears.

"Well, that's great. Hey, to make it easy on you, I'm putting you in charge of cooking and that's it. I want you to take it easy as much as possible today, okay?"

"Yes Cap," Karen replied meekly as Marco entered the room. He was carrying a bag and took it to the counter.

"Morning everyone. Mama sent in tamales and enchiladas for lunch and dinner. So, whoever you were going to assign to cook gets it real easy today. Mama sent all the fixings too."

Karen was practically salivating, "Alright, I love Mama's tamales!"

"Tamales? Did I hear right?" Johnny asked as he, Chet and Roy entered the room.

"Yes, you heard right. Mama made tamales and enchiladas for us," Marco replied, putting all the food into the fridge. As soon as he was done, Cap put his cup on the counter.

"Alright, lets get ready for roll call. Everyone by the engine in five minutes," he said, leaving the room.

Chet walked over and pet Henry. "Hey Kare, how are you feeling?"

"Much better. Cap wants me to relax as much as possible today."

"Good idea. How does your leg and toe look?" Johnny asked, glancing over at Karen.

"Fine. I've been cleaning it at least twice a day. I really do not want an infection."

"No, you don't," Roy agreed, looking at his watch. He put his cup down and looked at the others. "We'd better get out there for roll call."

The other five nodded their assent and made there way into the bay.


Karen was able to function the whole day, propping her foot up whenever she could in between runs. It was later that evening she noticed a small problem; her leg was becoming painful to walk on. Thankfully the station was quiet for the evening, affording her time to sit and not get up. The boys catered to her, so she could relax.

Cap called for lights out at ten, but Karen was already in bed. She had turned in an hour previous, exhausted. The others walked into the dorm, trying to keep the noise down, as Karen was fast asleep. It didn't take long before light breathing sounds filled the dorm as the other six men fell asleep quickly.

Around four o'clock in the morning, everything changed. Karen woke up with a start, burning up and sweating profusely. She sat up, trying to figure out what was happening. She swung her legs over the side of the bed and into her bunker gear. The moment she stood, she knew something was dreadfully wrong. Her left leg was so painful, she couldn't barely put any weight on it and let out a small cry of pain. It was then the nausea hit her. She ran as fast as she could for the latrines, barely making it, before throwing up.

Unbeknownst to her, Cap and Mike had heard her cry of pain and followed her into the latrines. When they heard her puking her guts up, Mike went back into the dorms and woke Johnny and Roy up, which in turn woke Chet and Marco up. The latter two ran out to the squad to get the gear.

Karen came out of the latrine, hobbling and holding the wall. When she saw her captain, the engineer and two paramedics, she knew she was in for it. She was surprised when Cap and Mike each took an arm and helped her into the dorms, John and Roy leading the way.

They laid her on the bunk as Chet and Marco came back with the gear. Very carefully, Cap and Mike helped get Karen's bunker gear off of her. The first thing they all noticed was how red and swollen Karen's left leg was.

"Karen, when did your leg get that red and swollen?" Johnny asked, opening the biophone on his bed, surprise evident on his face.

"Its been hurting for a few hours. But I didn't know it was red, but I thought something was wrong when I put my bunker pans on," she replied, wincing when Roy laid a hand on her leg.

"Little tender, huh?"

She rolled her eyes as tears formed, "That's the understatement of the year."

"What in the world caused that?" Marco asked, watching as Johnny called the hospital and Roy was getting Karen's vitals.

"It looks like an infection of some sort. How are you feeling Karen?" Roy asked. He was really concerned for the young paramedic.

"Not very good. I feel like I have the worst case of the flu. I ache all over," she replied, crying out when Johnny lifted her leg to put two pillows underneath to prop it up.

"Oh, hon, I'm sorry. Early wants us to keep your leg elevated," Johnny apologized. He felt so bad for hurting Karen, but knew he had to so he could do what Early asked.

"10-4 Rampart, IV Ringer's Lactate, 5mg MS IV, transport as soon as possible," Roy said, putting the handset down, helping Johnny get the required medicine.

"Aw man, I just want to go home to my own bed," Karen said, watching as Johnny started her IV in her right arm.

Sirens could be heard as the ambulance arrived at the station. "Chet, go lead them in," Cap ordered, watching as Roy gave Karen the muscle relaxant.

A moment later, Chet came back, leading the ambulance attendants into the dorm room.

"Okay Karen. We have to move you onto the stretcher. Hang in there, okay?" Johnny said, as he and Roy helped the attendants move her.

"We'll check on you in the morning after we get off," Cap said, standing with his crew, watching as Karen was wheeled out to the waiting ambulance.

"Cap, do you think she'll be okay?" Mike asked, after the ambulance left and Cap turned the lights in the dorm out.

"I don't know Mike, I just don't know."

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