"Yes Ben," she stared deeply into his eyes, "I do want you,"

"Come here," he took her face in his hands and kissed her everywhere except her lips. When he finally decided maybe to give her mouth some attention he hoovered first, "say it, say it for me please?"

"What? What ben?" She chewed on her bottom lip impatiently.

"You'll be mine,"

"I'm yours," she agreed pulling him to her for a real kiss. They stood in the street kissing for awhile, adrians began to walk backwards but pulled ben with her. Ben held out hid hnd until he felt a slick solid surface. Asriana had pressed herself back against the driver door and pulled ben closer wrapping her arms around his neck and waist.

"Come home with me,"

"Ben... " she laughed knowing he was kidding but serious in a way only he could manage. He wasn't using it as the "come home with me and screw' kind of way though neither of them missed the connection. They both knew they didn't want to separate. Tonight was a pivotal moment in their relationship.

"Don't worry I won't corrupt you," he smiled and kissed her temple newe her hair, "just yet," he stared into her bright blue eyes watching as a blush bloomed underneath.


************ 6:34am

The feeling of a full and slightly uncomfortable bladder woke Adriana up from her deep slumber. It was so warm. And soft and cozy she was hesitant to move at all. Her dream guy lay next to her his entire body wrapped around her, he always so was beautiful but when he slept so softly he looked like an angel. She tried to. Untangle her limbs from his so she could sneak to the bathroom but Ben stirred at her slight movement.

"Don't go," Ben tightened his hold on her.

"I'll be right back," she assured with a gentle kiss on the corner of his mouth. "Bathroom break,"

Asriana made it quick but took the tkme to bush through her hair and swish some toothpaste in her mouth. She climbed back into bed with ben laying her head on his shoulder,

"Tell me this isn't a dream, I couldn't stand it if this was a game,"

"Feel," Ben held her palm firmly over his heart. "Its only like this with you. Whenever you are near me, when I can smell your shampoo or perfume, when you touch me I feel like I'm losing my breath as my heart tries to crack my ribs. This is real Adriana believe me,"

"I believe you Ben,"

"Relax, its just me," he breathed heavilly was he switched them around leaving Adriana beneath him. He praised her as she responded to his hands on her waist by angeling herself so they could still hold each other "good girl,"

"Tell me no whenever you want to, don't be scared its just me,"

"Okay, I trust you," she held him close and tried tto stay still as his hands wandered from her waist to her ribs leaving a trail of tingling fire behind.
When he got his hands up her shirt and to her breasts they both moaned softly.

"Oh wow. You're so soft,"

Adriana smiled wickedly and yanked Ben's shirt over his head, "so are you,"she ran her hands from his stomach to his chest like he had done to her.

"Knock it off smartass,"

"I'm serious your skin is very soft, very pleasant to touch,"

"Mmm likewise,"


"Mom! Ben and Adriana are kissing in his bed and he's being weird!"


Adriana busted up laughing while Ben silently tried to tell his sister to be quiet and go away.

"And Ben has no shirt!"

"Shhh, Sissy be quiet please,"

"Benjamin Thomas Parish!"


"Is it bff or gf?"




"What was that? Who's there with you?"



"Adriana. Alright mom can we not do this right now?"

"I thought I heard girlfriend,"

"Cus she is now alright, please not now mom she's in here laughing at me,"

"You have five minutes,"

"Haha! Bens got a girlfriend," Adriana teased like they were eleven years old again.

"Shut up! Its not funny,"

"Bens got a girlfriend, haha, ben wants to kiss her and-"

"Wha!" She screamed as Ben basically tackled her off her feet and onto the bed. Gently of course. And kissed her until she stopped laughing and then a little more just because he was finally allowed.

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