4 • An Unexpected Situation

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Ariel P.O.V.
At approximately 10:00 AM, everyone was wide awake and I was overjoyed to see my husband and my beautiful baby boy, knowing that they both were safe.

"I'm so glad you're okay baby." Oscar said, placing his hand on my arm.

"Me too, but I'm just afraid that... -"

I could barely finished my sentence because that was a pounding on the door.

"I'll get it." Mark said, rushing for the door and opening it.

"Surprise!!" Anna said, holding a gun in her hands.

"Paybacks a bitch!!"

"Don't you take another step! I'm calling the police!" Mark exclaimed, while rushing towards his phone to quickly dial the numbers 9-1-1 into his phone.

"What did I tell you?? Oscar doesn't want to be with you!!! He loves me, has a child with me and married ME! Can't you get that through your thick skull??!!!" I said, enraged with anger.

"Oh sweetie, you're hilarious! I guess Oscar never told you what happened, before he found your slutty ass..."

"What're you talking about..?"

"He has sex and he told me he enjoyed it." She said, smiling evilly at me.

"You're a liar! I don't believe you!"

Just then a bullet went off, as she aimed for my skull, but missed, which made Adam cry super hard.

"How dare you?!!!!" I shouted.

"It wouldn't be the first time." She said, smiling evilly again.

Oscar and Mark took Adam upstairs to marks room and calmed him down the best that they possibly could.

A few minutes later, sirens roared in front of Mark's house and blue and red lights flared all around the house, as cops rushed in.

"Put down the gun, or we will shoot you!" An officer ordered.

"You don't understand, this ignorant bitch's husband is mine!! And so is their child, but she won't even let me see him!"

"Uhh, hello!!! Maybe because he's scared of you, and my husband married me, hence the reason why I have a ring on my finger and you don't! Please just arrest her, I'm tired of her trying to kill me just so she can have my husband and son all to herself."

Just as Anna yelled as loud as she could, another bullet went off, this time going straight through my forehead.

But right when the bullet went off, officers tased her to the ground, cuffed her and she was taken straight to jail.

As for my forehead, I was rushed to the hospital for immediate surgery and my chances of living were very, very slim.

The last thing I remember hearing, was the sound of the nurses and doctors frantically rushing to get me into surgery, but more importantly, my family desperately waiting for me to be alright.


A few hours after my surgery, I was in a coma and unable to move or speak. All of my family came into the room bawling their eyes out with a river of tears.

Loren was the first to say something to me:

"Ariel, baby girl. I'm so, so sorry this happened. I should've been there with you, and not have gone on that modeling trip, but I promise I'm here now, and I'm not going anywhere. You are like a sister to me and I'm not ready to let you go, you need to fight through this, not only for me, but for your husband and son, they need you a lot right now! I love you baby." She said, sobbing and planting a kiss on my forehead.

Next, was Mark:

He sighed for a second, then began to speak.

"Ariel, where do I even begin? We have a ton of memories together and you're one of my best friends. You introduced me to musically and I know all of your fans are having a tough time with this monumental situation. You have to be strong for them. They can't lose the most funny, caring, kind, loving and number one muser in the world. You can't die on any of us, we all love you and are wishing the absolute best for you. Stay strong and keep fighting!"

These continued until it was Oscars turn to go..

"I am absolutely mortified by what Anna did to you. Not only did you put you in the hospital, but she kidnapped you, made you feel worthless and like you were never meant to be my wife. I'll be honest, yes, we had sex, but i swear, it was a ONE TIME thing and you mean an entire world to me, than some hypocrite who's just trying to get inside your head. You mean everything to me and I can't picture my life without you. Pull through, we're praying for you! Love you!"

I was still in a deep slumber, but could somehow picture that my life wasn't always going to be this way. In my mind, I know that Oscar would never have sex with another woman, I mean let's face it, Anna's no match for me.

And worst of all, Adam's in the middle of all of this and I hate it for him. He's only a week old and doesn't need all of this fighting and negativity going on in his life.

Once I wake up from this coma, I'm going to hug my husband super tight and not let go for a long time because I know that he'll always be there for me, and that's all I need right now.

I'll never get the image of him and Anna out of my head, but I guess it's something I'll have to deal with less and less as time goes by, because our main focus is Adam, and neither I or Oscar are going to let anything or anyone hurt him.

Oscar held my hand, gave it a kiss and had tears forming down his face, but I'd be waking up very, very soon to let him know that everything was indeed going to be alright and that I wasn't going to be leaving his side anytime soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2018 ⏰

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