2 • The First Night Without Ariel/Mommy

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Oscar P.O.V.
I woke up from my nap to the piercing sounds of my son screaming in agony. I got up off the couch, headed over to his bassinet and saw something that looked really unfamiliar.

It was a note, lying beside his chest.

I picked both Adam and the note up and began to read it to myself:


Now that Ariel's gone for a few days I can finally get what I want, you, me and Adam all together as a family. Forget that so called 'musically famous' BabyAriel slut and say you'll be with me and raise our child forever. If you don't comply with this message, I will ruin your life forever by killing Ariel myself and then kidnapping our son.

Think wisely,

(Picture of Anna)

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(Picture of Anna)

I crumbled up the note, and put it on the kitchen counter.

I was in absolute shock that Anna would actually think that I'd get back with her, I mean yes, we had sex, ONE TIME, and I enjoyed it, but I'm with Ariel now and Adam is our top priority.

I don't want to be with Anna, she's just an attention seeker and quite frankly, I don't like attention seekers.

I shushed Adam and checked the time on the microwave.

7:45 PM

"Alright bud, lets get you bathed, fed and in bed!" I said, carrying him upstairs to our bathroom and turning the warm water on.

I then laid him on the carpet to get in undressed and into the bath.

Just then my phone rang, which wasn't helpful because it was on the table by the sofa, in the living room.

I sighed, continued bathing Adam and took him out of the bath a few minutes later.

"Look at you clean little man!" I said, lying him down on the carpet again and putting lotion on his soft like skin.

I then got him dressed in a elephant onesie.

I then got him dressed in a elephant onesie

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(Picture of him in the onesie)

Shortly after I got him dressed, I brought him back downstairs and noticed my phone was going off like crazy.

I picked it up and a noticed that they were all texts from Anna, so I decided to read them in my head because if they involve cuss words, those kinds of words aren't appropriate for my son to be hearing, especially at his age.

{A ~ Texts from Anna}

A: "Baby, give me what I want!"

A: "Ariel's no good for you, I'm 1,000x better than that slut will ever be! Please take me back!"

A: "I love you!!"

I sighed and then saw something I'd never see in my entire life and it was my wife, tied up in a chair with her mouth taped shut and hands cuffed to the chair.

Then came another text from Anna:

A: "Come save your precious wife. You have 15 minutes."

Instantly, I knew that my life was so close to being over. I ran my hands through my hair and grabbed Adam's carseat, made him a bottle, and strapped him in with his bottle facing up towards his mouth, and headed out to the car.

 I ran my hands through my hair and grabbed Adam's carseat, made him a bottle, and strapped him in with his bottle facing up towards his mouth, and headed out to the car

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Once I set his carseat in the car and made sure he was securely in, I got in the front seat and slid the key in the ignition slot and began to pull out of the driveway.

Once I set his carseat in the car and made sure he was securely in, I got in the front seat and slid the key in the ignition slot and began to pull out of the driveway

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Adam was fast asleep as I drove to Anna's house, once I pulled in her driveway, I kissed his forehead and told him that I'd be back really soon.

I approached the front door and saw a note that read:

"Oscar, the back doors already unlocked for you. I'm upstairs and waiting for you, in a black bra and panties. Can't wait to see you, handsome! :)"

I shook my head after reading it, headed in thru the back door and instantly heard screams from Ariel, coming from Anna's room.

I bolted up the stairs and saw that Anna had been hitting, and whipping Ariel with a baseball bat.

"You can't be serious right now." I said, looking at Anna.

"What babe? I did it so that we could be together." She said, smiling.


"Ohh sweetheart, that won't be happening."

I then checked outside and saw that my car was gone, I mean literally GONE!

"Adam!" I said, under my breath.

"What was that?" She asked.

"Nothing!" I uttered.

She then grabbed a syringe and stuck it down my arm and I began to fall into a deep slumber.

The last thing I heard were Anna and Ariel leaving to go to a secret location.

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