
139 6 4

Dit is in het Engels, dus als je geen Engels kunt... Lees dit dan niet. :3



Little girl, stupid girl,

You have wasted your time,

Little girl, stupid girl,

And that is why you died,

Your tears will turn into rain,

Your words will turn into fire,

Your anger will cause people pain,

You stupid, little lair,

You went out swimming in the lake,

On a hot, summer night,

To wash your pain away,

And then you died, it was to late,

You drowned in the dark water,

And the rain poured down,

It was the last breath you would take,

You are gone now,

And when you cry it will rain,

Your soul is angry full of vain,

And when you scream people die,

That is the cause of your stupid lie.

The song was sung like a prayer.

It was about me.

That was the last thing I thought when the dark water pulled me down.

I closed my eyes and the darkness invited me like an old friend


Ik heb het liedje zelf geschreven *doet dansje*.

Short stories (STOPPED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora