#1 Pilot

148 6 2

Castiels POV

"Castiel Novak?"


Castiel never really did understand why his boss was so adamant and fixated on taking attendance exactly when working hours started. What if someone was running one minute late, or somebody in their life had died, or if they were just sick? Would they not be allowed to miss one single day of work if it was an emergency?

Although, that didn’t really matter because Castiel Novak never missed a day of work in his life. Even though most people in his department (especially Metatron) didn’t talk to him, and they were usually thinking up way to ruin his day, Castiel still loved coming to work each day. He liked the routine and familiarity of it, every single day, for eight hours straight, he would come to the same place, with the same faces and same work to be done. He especially loved when he was allowed to practise flying in one of the huge expensive jet planes that he would one day be allowed to fly other citizens around the world in. While at home however, he was allowed to practise in his very own personal mini airplane that was given to him from his beloved managers. That’s how he spent his free hour after dinner time, flying around in the sky or taking care of the plane out the front of his garage.

Castiel Novak was the only one in the air force that had ever received his own plane, and that was the most amazing opportunity that he could ever think of having, he felt very honoured and appreciated it greatly. People in his neighbourhood would look up into the sky and see him, flying around freely as he pleased. Sometimes, just sometimes, Castiel couldn’t help but daydream about how jealous he probably made each and every one of those people watching him.

However Castiel Novak was the town hero, and he was loved by his neighbourhood. One day he was flying around town when he noticed a small figure ruffling around in the top of a tree, and when he finally made out the fact that it was a trapped cat, he pulled out his tracked cell phone and made the call to the fire department. They were then able to show up and rescue Mrs. Wilson’s beloved, if not slightly worshipped cat, all because of Castiel. He loved being loved by every single person he could be loved by, and that’s why when he was offered the job to someday fly real people in, out, and around his country, he was a very excited man.

Although, on this very specific day, Castiel couldn’t wait to leave work and arrive home, because when he did he knew there would be a very pleasurable surprise waiting for him. A few weeks ago he had ordered his very own baby kitten to take care of and every day since he had been waiting. Today was the day, he would get home tonight and be able to meet his brand new family member; Castiel was very excited. He was actually more of a dog person, but when he was searching online, this very particular loving kitten just stuck out to him, and that was the day he claimed her as his own to love and care for. Work went a whole lot slower than it usually did. During his thirty minute lunch break he was able to check his security cameras to make sure his new family member had been safety dropped inside his home. To his surprise though, his adorable kitten was nowhere to be found. Every single part of him wanted to run the short distance to his house to get a better look on what was going on, but there was no way he was about to risk his perfect attendance record.

More importantly than his record, he didn’t want to be pulled in for questioning by the government officials. Nobody exactly knew what happened to people that didn’t follow their strict schedule, or were caught not following the rules, but that’s only because no one ever lived to tell the tale. People in town would all hear about the sudden disappearance of the obviously irresponsible man and soon officials would show up and someone new would be moving into his house. No one gave it a second thought, not anymore. Castiel was at the top of his department, and air force, he couldn’t just leave, could he? No, he couldn’t.

The next four hours were spent learning how to solve in-flight problems when they occur. Castiel was never really good under pressure, he always tensed up and his nerves got the best of him. One of his tests was to figure out what to do when someone had just been injured or suffering from a medical condition on his plane while in the air. If somebody were to, say, have a heart attack mid-flight, the only possible thing he could bring himself to do was start freaking out and take his eyes off the sky. Apparently that reaction couldn’t have been anymore wrong. After he made as many attempts to do the right thing as he could but still failed, his manager gave him a reassuring smile and showed him a demonstration.

He was supposed to stay as calm as possible and inform the hired nurse on board of the new found mishap. Castiel didn’t feel confident that he would actually be able to do that calmly but he knew what he would have to do, and he could work with that, if anything did happen. Once his shift was finally over, and he had completed his lessons, he made his way home to the 27th neighbourhood to check if his cat had arrived.

He loved his neighbourhood, mostly because of how interesting his neighbours were. To the left of his house was a nerdy young boy named Kevin that Castiel sometimes visited and watched movies with. To the right was a very cheeky middle-aged woman named Meg, she was quite a flirty person, and every so often he would catch himself waiting for her to make her usual appearance looking at him through her side window. But Castiel didn’t think he really liked her like that, for one she was much too old, and two, she wasn’t the neighbour that caught his attention. That belonged to the boy that lived across the street from him. Dean Winchester, he thought his name was.

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