hello | the introduction

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an explanation

In the Fall of last year I wrote ten different pieces for the season. They were meant to feel cozy and comforting and melancholy. I decided to do the same for Spring, but instead of being the kind of pieces best read while twisted in a large blanket, I hope that this will be a book you can read while sipping tea under a warm sun. I hope that these stories will refresh you, delight you, and bring bright smiles to your face. I hope they make your heart a little lighter and your smile a little sweeter.

a quote to start it off right

I've spent a life chasing stories to tell when I'm old. (Atticus)

an invitation

Come chase stories with me. The world is being renewed, and there's plenty of fresh adventures out there. Some of my stories will be fact, and some will be fiction. I'll leave it to you to decide which is which.



you, the blue sky I have an ongoing romance with, and my lover


Spring is 13 weeks long, so I am aiming for a one chapter a week, with three grace weeks

advance apology

I am struggling under a large load of things to do, and I would like to thank the enormous amount of coffee I intend to be drinking in advance, because it's going to save me. But if I am not active, I apologize in advance. I'm probably sleeping.


list of works: 

3.21.18 | a poem

the kind of poem my boyfriend is; written for World Poetry Day, and also because he said the poems I wrote him made him feel warm and fuzzy inside

green | a poem

it's funny how loving someone changes what you love

when you want to end it

a reminder

I want | a letter to Collin

in times of drought, he inspires the ink to run from my fingers into something like poetry

loneliness: an attempt to explain

trying to put the abstract into concrete

19 lessons

goodbye to being a teenager

porch swing thoughts

where peace is found


why I am scared

old lovers | an open letter

my greatest fear is that I will always care for him

I love you | a letter to Collin

and I will spent the rest of my life trying to capture this into words

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