Martha Cecilia - A Legend in Romance Pocketbook Stories ❤️

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MarthaCecilia_PHR 😊😍

My heart was literally happy and I'm excited when I found out that my favorite author of all time had finally created an account here in WP, well not actually her but maybe someone who is working in PHR.

For me, MC is a legendary author of book novels in romance and tin her late years, she also created romance-mysteries that were oh-so-great too.
I remember it vividly when I was on my freshman year in college, one of my classmate told me to try reading a Kristine Series book (Book 1 – Devil's Kiss). I was already reading some pocket book novels under Helen Meriz, Gilda Olvidado, Olga Medina et all but not regularly. Though I'm only reading these books to kill my boredom, the same book which my classmate recommended was something different for me. I was so engrossed in reading the book that I'm stealing glimpses/reads in between classes because I'm so hooked with the story. After finishing the book, I was so overwhelmed that I asked my classmate if she have the next book. She just laughed and said she had all the books in the series (I think that time it was just between 11-13 kristine series books printed and published). From then on, whenever I pass by any bookstore I will go straight to the aisle of tagalog pocketbooks section and look for MC's books. After wards, I get to read all of her books since her very first published story. I got to collect them all. I was saving money from my allowance so that I can but MC's books.

That's my college life - Kristine series, sweetheart series, her all-time favorite collections, and others – name it, I read it all...

Even when I graduated from college, I still make it a point to be updated whenever she have new published books. However, when I went abroad the reading and collection stops. But my memories of her stories were still intact with me – that's how good a writer she was.

After a couple of years, I get to contact one of PHR's (maybe) reseller online and ordered all MC's books (because my old books were lost when we renovated our house) and shipped it to Dubai. I don't care about the money, I just need to have all of her books as my collection. The last book of hers which I purchased was Kristine Series Book - The Bodyguards: Jose Luis Morrison Monte Falco.

I even am a follower of her FB page and from there she made interactions with her readers and fans. Sometimes she posts excerpts from her ongoing novels and sometimes just random posts on where she travels or what she does on daily basis. I was so heartbroken when the news came of her death in December 2014. She didn't even get to finish her on-going novel at that time (or maybe she did). But I'm sure that she was very happy and at peace now because she will not experience pains anymore. I so love MC or Maribeth dela Cruz Hamoy in real life.

From all the novels she wrote, my all-time favorite was the story of Jewel and Bernard Fortalejo. From their very first story in Jewel (Black Diamond) to Jewel's death and to her 'resurrection' and their forever – I'm so inlove with them, to the point that when I gave birth to a daughter I named her Jewel too. Even when they were old and had children in the succeeding stories in the series, I'm still in love with them and I was in literal pain when I read in Jessica's story that they both died in a place crash and I rejoiced too at the latter part of the same story when they were declared alive.

I love all MC's works and I recommend to everyone to read all her stories. Go and visit her page and take advantage of reading her stories for free.

Only a few stories were up in her WP account so I suggest you go and visit a bookstore and buy her books – it is not that costly like the usual prices of Wattpad published books. It's all worth it I assure you all of that..

Thank you Ms. MC for sharing your stories. ❤️😍

Edit Post:
March 18, 2023
I have a treat for you peeps, I'll be posting some of Martha Cecilia's stories, in random selection, in my account.

We can now all enjoy reading her works.

Please recommend to your friends as well.

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