A Martha Cecilia Fanatic-Author

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Kaway kaway kay Winter_Solstice02  because we are cut from the same cloth!!! A Martha Cecilia Fanatic. 😊❤️

Yes, what she wrote in her bio was true. There were lines on her stories that were inspired from MC's stories.
Inspired means she may had thought of MC's stories when writing but she made sure that it won't come up as "gaya-gaya" and injected her own unique creativeness. I had read all MC's novel and kept all them on my possession that's why I agree with author that MC was a great writer but I'm proud of Ms. Winter (if I can call her that) that she is doing a great job so far. 👍🏻

It is hard to be in the shadow of MC especially when she just declared that she is a fan and a writer because some people / readers might think that she will just copy the plot and just create new wordings – which I honestly read somewhere in other stories here in WP that really annoys me. The author is absolutely in the right path in writing her stories, inspired by MC or not, as she is creating a name now in WP with huge followers and million reads. You will definitely enjoy her stories and will be coming back for re-reads, that is for sure!!!👌🏻

Her Gentlemen Series – 6 equally handsome men – Lawrence, Reid, Ian, James, Jack and Chris were must-reads for anyone in WP.

Her first book – Lawrence of GS – was okay but she promised to re-write them anyway and improve the story. But the rest of the men, their stories were all amazingly written.

I was actually sad that in some point when Ms. Winter said that she won't be writing a story for Chris and that the plan for the series was for the 5 men only but maybe she heard the cry of her followers and readers for Chris' story so she made one – though still on-going – it has a promise of another great story. She maybe updating the story irregularly but we have to understand that she is also working and writing is just her hobby so we should not pressure her to give more updates just because we want to. We have to be patient because she is doing her best to create a story that will be worth our time.

But the one that captured my heart was the story of Reid the Rancher and the lovely Ysabel. I love the meet-up, the stories of each of them , the conflict, the acceptance and the happily ever after. Some scenes were inspired by MC's book ONLY YOU (Nico and Erika) – correct me if I'm wrong Ms. Winter, but if not an MC fan, you won't even notice it. That's how good Ms. Winter is because it was stylishly and excellently written. I recommend this story and I'm sure that everyone will love it too.

So there you go guys, please visit Ms. Winter's profile and add all her books in your reading list or library and you will be on for a good time...

To Ms. Author, keep on writing good stories because we - your readers – are thankful that you are sharing your talent to us...❤️😍
God Bless you always...

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