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steve harrington


"hey, we leaving soon Nance? i have to uhh... be getting home now it's really late" you tried to walk away from them, nancy grabbing your arm before you can make your getaway. you sighed, looking around you and churning the drink in your cup, intimidated by the couple of mongrels that kept screaming as loud as they could next to you. you rubbed your arm, your skin cold to the touch from the wind. 

"no you don't." you rolled your eyes as she nudged you playfully, a half smile creeping on your face. 

"come on (y/n), you're never at any parties, you're always at home blasting music doing absolutely nothing. you have to socialize once in a while" she tightened her grip around Steve's arm as you all moved through the crowd back inside. 

"no i don't"  you thought. you crossed you arms across your chest, bored out of your mind. you hated parties, all the screaming and the idiots who think the have the hottest bodies when in reality their man-boobs shook the earth. worst of all though, were the girls who think they have it all. it was revolting in your eyes. but, you did get invited + you were there for Nance and Steve, especially Steve, your best friend since the 2nd grade. 

"hey um, i'm going to get some more punch, ok? i'll be right back babe" she slurred her words as she was already tipsy, steve quietly laughing at her attempts to speak. he nodded at her, whispering something to her that you didn't quite hear before she walked away in the other direction, stumbling.  you leaned yourself against the wall and huffed, tapping your foot to the surprisingly good music playing. 

"hey, (y/n)." steve lightly tapped your arm. you looked over at him, the word boredom practically written all over your face. 

"i know you don't want to be here but, listen, you need to enjoy yourself." he rested his hands on your shoulders, looking at you deeply in the eyes. 

"i know you don't like parties but, i just want you at least to try to have fun, ok? you never ever leave your house" he laughed, placing his shades on his shirt. you softly laughed along, shaking your head as a smirk appeared on your face. you pushed yourself up from the wall fixing your voluminous hair, your hair as messy and cute as ever since you decided to dress as Madonna for the party. you loved the costume, from the bracelets to the skirt, and especially how you felt it in, it was great. you just hated where you were. 

"and that's how i wanna keep it harrington" behind him, you saw nancy creep up behind steve, grabbing his hand. he jumped, in shock from her sudden appearance. 

"jesus, nance. scared the shit out of me" he sighed out of relief, pulling her close to him. you smiled at the both of them, realizing how cute they looked in their matching costumes; they're literally perfect for each other. dusting off your jacket, you motioned to steve you were going to step outside for a moment, just to catch some fresh air. he nodded back as you walked off, moving through the crowd as the occasional "damn girl" was yelled at you from across the room. 

gazing up at the stars, you sighed, the relaxation and tranquility taking over your body. minutes flew by crazily fast while you sat outside, chugging a beer that you snatched on your way outside. 

people started to come and go from the party a couple minutes later, nance and steve coming out amongst everyone. steve had a look on his face that you recognized all to well, a look that he only had when something really bad just happened. the concern grew within you, nervous as ever as to what happened. trying to talk to him about it was unsuccessful though, he just kept  shying himself away from you even while motioning you just to get in so you guys could leave.

the car ride was a silent one, an awkwardly silent one. he dropped off nancy first at her house before driving quietly off with you now in the front seat. 

you couldn't bear the silence anymore and decided to just break the ice.

"steve, what's going on? you haven't said a word since we left the party and i know that look on your face. something's going on. you can't just hide from your best friend like that" you rubbed his shoulder as he sighed, knowing what you said was true. you didn't know how to feel. you felt terrible, knowing that he must feel the same way. he pulled over in front of your house, your parents thankfully not home. you didn't want them to get involved with this like they usually would. they cared so much about steve it was crazy but overall adorable at the same time. 

he stepped out of the car, his breath visible in the air as he puffed out. you trudged behind him, your attention fully on him as you leaned against the hood, right alongside him. the silence remained, the occasional car driving by making the only noise in the street. you began to notice tears welling in his eyes, eyes gleaming brightly. he huffed and turned his body in your direction, before the words finally left his mouth. 

"nance... said... our love doesn't mean anything, that it's "bullshit", according to her. she said we just act like we're in love, "like" we're in love! it fucking broke me (y/n), i didn't know how to respond. it left me in absolute shock. that's why i couldn't even talk, i didn't know how to put it into words" his voice cracked as he spoke, your heart breaking with every word. your eyes began to gleam as well, the way he felt and his ever lasting heartache broke you, it hurt you deeply seeing him like this. 

"steveee" you reassured, him opening his arms widely to you. you leaned in, his arms wrapping around you while you did the same, your head resting on his chest. his hand traced a line up and down the small of your back, silence resonating between the both of you, nothing but the wind blowing past being heard. 

"hey (y/n)" he lightly tightened his embrace, thumping, quickening heartbeats echoing in his chest. your gaze was focused on him, your (e/c) eyes enthralling him, eyes gleaming from the mere look of them. his mouth laid moderately agape, looking down at you for what seemed like hours. 

"oh shit um, i-i meant to say.. thanks." smiles appeared on the face of you both, yours fascinating him beyond belief. a feeling inside him began to grow, uninformed it was a feeling of attraction towards you. he didn't want to acknowledge it, not wanting to ruin the everlasting friendship between the both of you. but, he couldn't help himself. he was entranced by your spirit, your looks, just every little thing about you.  

"no need to thank me, you know i'll always be here for you harrington, you know i love ya" laughs erupted between the both of you as you tried to wink, ending up blinking instead. 

"i-i love you too (y/n), a lot" the sound of those words left butterflies in your stomach, ones you never felt around him before. it was entirely different but, you absolutely loved the feeling.

the rest of the night was calming yet lively, less rowdy than the party though, which you didn't mind. your parents allowed for steve to stay the night, not asking many questions as to why, as you hinted it was something very personal. they beckoned off, heading upstairs and taking the hint quite well. the night was chatty, very chatty but the discussions were heated, intense so to say. decisions on how to handle the situation at hand were made, strengthening steve and his emotions. passion was felt, and it was clear that something different yet loving was arising between the both of you, affection coursing through the both of you. the time was much too soon, but you couldn't help it and neither could he. 

of course however, you didn't mind at all. 

A/N: first story up! i hope you guys enjoy. i want to make this book different from my other imagine book so if you'd like, leave any suggestions you may have.

p.s. book cover will be up soon, still currently working on the aesthetic masterpiece. i might change the cover for my other one to, idk lol. 


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