Nirmend's Burning Rage

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Amira woke for the third time this day. She rubbed her head and sighed. It was getting tiring. She looked around in confusion. She was outside the forest, covered in cuts and bruises.

Amira propped herself up using a tree trunk and tried to recall what had just happened. She was running from the guards and fled to the forest. Then, then. Amira scrunched up her face and tried to remember what happened in the forest. All she remembered were jumbled words being thrown around in her brain.

She took a unsteady step and once again, scanned her surroundings. Her vision was going in and out, and she felt like she was burning.

Amira could faintly hear voices in the distance. She blindly followed them, hoping for a town that could help her. She stopped as she spotted a small cluster of run-down cottages. Her head was burning like fire and she looked for a open door where she could beg for help, but they were all closed. Finally she found a building without doors and stumbled in.

They were two people standing in a sort of huddle together. They looked up at her in surprise. They was an elderly man and a girl around Amira's age. Amira opened her mouth to talk, but her tongue felt tied up and she couldn't utter a sound. She looked up at them with pleading eyes and hoped they would understand.

"Oh dear it seems she has caught Nirmend's Fever" said the old man, laying his hand on her forehead. He lift her up and tried to carry her towards a cot in the room. Amira looked at him uneasily and tried to escape his grasp. He finally managed to set her down on the cot and sighed. "I am getting too old for this. Scarlet get over here and help the poor girl".

"R-right, sure" the girl said, studying Amira intently. Amira continued to struggle against the old man's grasp, but he held her fast. "We're not going to hurt you" he said. Finally the man gave up and Amira sat up. The girl came over with a jar with herbs. "Here Bernell, these should work right?". The man nodded.

Amira identified the two. So the man's name is Bernell and the girl's name is Scarlet. Bernell began to mix some plants in a bowl and Amira rolled off the cot. Scarlet grabbed her and put her back on it. The man went over to the rough bed and forced Amira's mouth open. "This is for your own good" he said.

It was now the fourth time Amira woke up, but this time she was not falling into darkness or running from armed guards. She was wrapped in fluffy blankets and could move her fingers without hesitation. Unsteadily, she stood. Without making a sound, she advanced towards the door, her hand resting on her swords handle.

Amira threw it open, just to find herself sitting on the bed once again. A curse, she thought. It was a mild curse though and with the slice of her sword she destroyed the source and burst through the door.

A/N- *nervously laughs* hey... You're probably going to kill me for not updating for a month...So here's my excuse. I've been busy and my partner _MissSunny_ has been busy too so we haven't had time to update. SO here's a chapter. BAI  

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