Maybe That's Why I Didn't See It?

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 I paused for a quick break, my breathing ragged and shallow and gratefully let the fresh air flow into my body, filling my lungs. I’d just set out on a short sprint from my house to the park and had sat myself down on the bench by the old shady tree, whilst letting my mind drift peacefully to when I had sat in this same bench with my Granddad. We’d had engraved the bench in his memory, My face lifted into a small smile as I thought about how much that would have meant to him. A single tear track make its way past my check and swept it away.

 Looking behind me, I saw the Old shady tree he’d used to chase me around and was disgruntled to see a boy there, smirking widely, half obscured by the tree. My face immediately fell into a familiar frown as usually occurred when I saw someone by our tree. It wasn’t something I could’ve controlled really, it was just something I’d done out of habit. As I inspected the boy, I felt myself drawn towards him; as if there had been was something about him my mind couldn’t quite place. He’d let out a small cough causing me to blink and look up at him.

“Finished checking me out yet?” He questioned teasingly.

 His mouth settling into a playful grin, so enticing it was hard for anyone to imagine it twisted into a cruel or heartless sneer. Maybe that’s why I didn’t see it.

I felt his deep blue eyes bore into mine with an intensity I wasn’t used to. Part of me wanted to shy away from the forceful stare he was sending me, whilst the other half of me was dazed by the deepness of his mysterious, blue eyes. I was so distracted I didn’t even question whether the glinting eyes before me had the capability to be cold and glaring. Maybe that’s  why I didn’t see it.

He held his hand out for me with the shy awkwardness only a teenage boy could pull off.

“Hey, I’m Zach”

The smooth ripples of his voice had caught me offguard; drawing me in, like a predator to its prey. I didn’t even question his motive, I just knew. Maybe that’s why I didn’t see it.

“And you are?”   He asked.

Raising his eyebrows at the empty silence I’d left. Before I could stop myself I let out a small but horrendously high-pitched giggle. Mentally slapping myself, I felt heat flood my cheeks but somehow, managed to squeak out my name.

“Sorry I didn’t quite catch that?”

“Umm, my name’s Callie” I replied,

“Brilliant, I’m new here. I think I’m joining the local school, do you go? Well obviously you do, I mean you live here right? Why wouldn't you go to the local school? Sorry I don't usually ask this many questions... You don't think I'm a weirdo do you?" 

He’d asked me, rushing through his little speech, his own cheeks going alarmingly red.

“No, not really, Uh well, yeah, I do, I guess…I mean yes I do go to the school not that I think you're a weirdo...”

Glancing at my watch I saw the little clock hand hovering a little above quarter past six.


I cursed under my breath,

“I’m sorry I’m, like 15 minutes late for tea and I promised mum I wouldn’t be out long, so I suppose I have to leave…”

I trail off hoping he’d protest against my leaving and I could convince myself to steal a few more minutes away with him.

He didn’t stop me.

Groaning inwardly at the thought of leaving him, I sent him a regretful glance before shooting back through the park. As I start making my way across the small road from across my street I hear heavy footsteps behind me.

“Hey, Callie, wait!”

I hear Zach shout from behind me

“Yeah?” I shout from over my shoulder.

“Callie, look at me!”

Laughing, I turned to face him.

“What?” I asked exasperated.

“Do you, maybe wanna hang out some time?” He asked with a sheepish grin.

“Um yeah, sure”

I told him and he’d rewarded me with a small smile that had near melted my heart. Bubbles of pleasure rose inside me and I was blinded with happiness.

The car came towards me.

Maybe that’s why I didn’t see it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2012 ⏰

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