☭ ┊ character introduction

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basically this is where 'm going to introduce my characterization of bucky ;; so - basically I am going to follow both the timeline of the movies and be a hardcore mix of both mcu and comic of the winter boo-bear. in which after a series of treatments given to buck by princess shuri of wakanda he's made at least a seventy-five percent recovery of his brainwashing given to him via the amaaaazing hydra / doctor zola - which was enough to bring him out of the ice and have given him enough time to adjust to be his own persona and to cleanse himself and learn what it's like to be his own self after being brainwashed for so many years. yes, he has triggers, and yes he has night terrors, but bucky barnes has one of the most important things when it comes to mental illness - HOPE. his dedication to get better though often slides under his priority of his dedication for other people. sometime after the post credit scenes bucky was taken to the main city - and to shuri's lab as he was gifted with it - a blank slate - another vibranium arm ( with a few undiscovered uprgrades ). he had it fitted by the world's smartest human of course, and it currently does not don an engraving on the bicep but it has many scratches from bucky bumping into walls. though knowing he's not like he was once before, the thought still lurks that he can choke someone at any point he's triggered or that the arm will malfunction no matter how much shuri or t'challa try to convince him otherwise. he has officially moved out of that village and into the castle once again as a valued guest instead of a frozen popsicle. he's also banned ( by t'challa although shuri would beg to differ ) from any missions until his mental health is at 80 % ;; so he spends most of his time watching the Dora Milaje , sneaking out to the general's plane when a mission is onset ' unbeknownst ' to okoye to watch from the skies ;; he also offers military advice and is known as a chief strategist to t'challa. oh! and he's been catching up on the world thanks to shuri ;; three weeks ago he watched the wizard of oz at her recommendation - he also is a fan of drake thanks to her.


& now that bucky has gone through death once again he's decided to leave wakanda and rise through the ashes as he goes back home to Brooklyn , NY with finn to reacquaint himself into the modern world . he also has been doing quite badly lately , seeing as he can't go without a drink and has become nervous about the world around him and just wants to get used to living once again.

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