"But Kali, all the others can fly but I can't! Even the chicks are flying now, and they're younger than me. It's not fair!" Nobby complained to the teenage girl, rather upset. 

"I know buddy, but you just gotta be patient" Kali told the anxious rooster. "Your time will come soon?" she patted him on the head and he smiled up at her at least. 

"So what's up?" Rocky asked the teens, since he could tell they were about to ask the chickens something important.

"Oh that's right" Teeders started. "You guys wanna go visit Shrek again?" Teeders asked Ginger, Rocky, and Nobby. And this time they would bring the rest of their family with them. 

"They should be back from their honeymoon by now" David mentioned about Shrek and Fiona. 

"You know it!" Ginger was always up for adventure, with Rocky always sticking by her side no matter how risky it sound. 

"Definitely" Nobby nodded yes, since he, Ginger and Rocky had been waiting for Kali to take them back to see Shrek again. 

The rest of the chickens cheered in agreement, that they'd be getting to meet Shrek for the first time. It was true the gang needed something fun to do for the rest of the summer instead of just laying around bored. 

"Not me!" Bunty crossed her wings with a humph, being the only one who didn't want to go.  

"Why not?" Ginger asked the skeptical red hen why she didn't want to come. 

"Because every time we go on an adventure with you guys, something terrible happens" Bunty replied, and she was obviously correct. 

"I'm with the chicken" Cynthia agreed, coming over to Bunty. But the reason why the fashionista didn't want to go was because of Shrek's horrible hygiene and all at being an ogre, etc.

"Oh come on, it'll be fun" Rocky told them. 

"Where's your sense of adventure?" Mac taunted Bunty a little. 

"Yeah what's the worse that could happen?" Nobby asked them with a smirk.

"The crystal's magic could backfire and we could end up in a place that's not our reality. In fact we could just be made-up characters put into stories like this" Cynthia randomly predicted, talking all fast. 

"Okay, shut up, you're starting to freak me out!" Teeders interrupted Cynthia.  

"And how many times do I have to tell you the crystal's not satanic or witchcraft!" Kali yelled at Cynthia in annoyance. As the adventure girl had mentioned many times before, "Only in the wrong hands can the crystal's power become dangerous"

"That's what you say now" Cynthia mumbled, not trusting Kali or what see did with that mysterious crystal.

Minutes later~ 

The whole gang was inside Kali's secret library, preparing to go back into Shrek's universe. Kali had her reading glasses on while looking through some scrolls Teeders helped her with. Kali then took her reading glasses off and placed her Shrek book aside on her desk. 

"Wait, what about the book?" Cynthia, the twins, and rest of the gang asked, noticing Kali had left it there, remembering last time. 

"We won't need the book" Kali replied with a smirk. 

Just because there wasn't a followup to the original Shrek story, didn't mean the gang couldn't go back to Shrek's universe without using the storybook. 

Kali then explained to the gang she had been learning a new power with help from her magic/time sorcerer teacher in-training, Albert. It's true the crystal's magic had become stronger, but Kali still hadn't tested the new power yet and was told by Albert it might cause a few problems on the first few trys. This already made Cynthia and a few of the others nervous.

The other chickens were a bit nervous about meeting Shrek for the first time. The chicks started asking their uncle Nobby all these questions. 

"He doesn't like it when people run away from him in terror. So whatever you do, don't freak out. And... don't call him a monster" Nobby told his niece and nephew and the other chickens about the ogre. The other chickens only seemed confused. 

"You'll see what we mean once we get there" David told the chickens and they nodded to teen.

Kali was soon ready to activate the portal as everybody held hands together, forming a big circle. (Kinda reminding Kali how back when she was young whenever she went somewhere with Barney and the backyard gang.) Kali's crystal soon glowed brightly and the magic portal soon appeared, with the gangs hair blowing slightly towards it in the breeze the portal made, like being sucked into a blackhole. 

"Okay" Kali looked at one last note before stuffing it down in her pocket. 

"Magic crystal take us to Shrek's world" The adventure girl told her crystal, holding it with her left hand, while Ginger's wing was in her right. 

The portal then slightly grew bigger for a second and the crystal glowed brighter. 

"Here we go!" David said to the others while holding Brock and Rocky's hands, ready to jump into the portal. 

As always, everyone was suddenly swept through the magical vortex and soon transported into Shrek's dimension.

The Adventure Kids go to Far Far AwayWhere stories live. Discover now