lots of things

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A lot has happened since I last updated this thingy.I just had the science fair whICH FLIPPING STRESSED ME THE CHEESECAKE OUT but I'm finally done with that so whew
gOT MY NEW GLASSES TODAY YAAAAYY!! im not gonna show u bc I'm self conscious and I don't want my face here i MIGHT DO THAT ONE DAY BUT MOST LIKELY NOT(lol who am I kidding I can't take any decent pictures of myself hha)
they b circle lenses and they make me terrified to go to school tomorrow
I CAN FINALLY DRAW HANDS (but I for some reason I can't draw them attached to a body.thats what I get for drawing them floating bUt whatevs)
that's all I got im boring sue me (plz don't actually)
love uuuuuu

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