Swara is arranging her cupboard when sm1 come inside

Person- swara have Ur food chachiji and Uttara had gone to temple so I brought it now come and eat

Swara- RAGINI what was need to bring food I would have come down

Ragini- listen Swara I don't have much time and if I would have not bring it than after coming back from temple she would have scold and tau t me that I can't even tc of my sister for some hours in her absence so stop being mahan(great) by saying so and eat...

Swara- Ragini I am not hungry right now u pls keep it on table I will eat afterwards when will feel like eating

Ragini- pls swara don't irritate me more and eat instead of mourning your coward husband's death and wasting ur time Instead of doing sm work help me .....(cutted)

Swara-(angrily and gritting her teeth👿😡 Raginii don't u dare to call my sanskar coward and ya he is alive so please stop talking rubbish about him got itt .....u can leave from here I don't need u go........(shouting) I said gooo

Ragini leave from there rolling her eyes

After some time Swara was caressing the ss pendent given by sanskar tears were flowing from her eyes

Swara- how could leave me like this sanskar how could u .............

Just then sm1 speak from behind

Voice-(😡😠) the same way u leave him for ur so called sister and blaming him without any reason as always for supporting and wellness of ur so called great family and leave him every time.........than why can't he leave u when u can do again and again

Swara gets shocked listening this she turns and..

Swara-😨😱 DADA what r u saying {the voice was of Suraj}

Chakor- truth swara truth which u hadn't realized till now

Swara-(shocked+ teary eyes) dii wat r u saying

Suraj- (angrily shouting) so or what else we should say it's the truth shona that if today ur husband is not with u is only because you just because of ur love for your so called family and sister

Swara-(crying) how could u say this Dada u know Na how much I love him then how come I become the reason of his leaving

Suraj-(shouting) ohh really shona u don't know how could u say this.....(interrupted)

Chakor- (pleading) suraj please calm down at least see her state please don't shout we will make her understand calmly but please calm down

Suraj come in sense and get calm

Swara was still crying they go to her and make her sit on bed and they themselves sit on floor and hold her each hand chakor wipe her tears

Chakor- shhshh shonaa stop crying stop

Swara-😭😭 but di ..dada......

Suraj- shhshh I am sorry I will not shout on u but pls stop crying .... stop

Swara stop crying but still have tears in her eyes

Chakor- that's like good girl now listen to me and give answer what ever I ask without any questions okk

She nods

Chakor- ok now tell me why did u go against ur husband even after he gives u his swear and join hands with Ragini

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