"None of your darn business, that's what," Iruka tells Haku.

Chihiro couldn't take it anymore. She rushes into the house slamming the door wide open, causing a large echo. Elijah ran after her.

"Dammit," Haku whispers.

"Suigetsu go and check who that was." Iruka orders his brother.

"There's no need! I'm sure it was just the wind." Kia says.

"Sure Iruka," Suigetsu walks out of the room and downstairs where Chihiro and Elijah were wondering about.

"Where do you think Haku went?" Chihiro asks Elijah.

"I don't-" Suigetsu grabs Elijah from behind and puts a sword against his neck.

Chihiro spins round. "Elijah!" She shouts.

Haku wanted so desperately to go down there but he didn't want them to know that he knows where Chihiro was all along.

"Move and I'll slit his throat." Suigetsu warns. "Go upstairs," He orders.

Chihiro does as he says with himself following behind her with Elijah held captive beneath the sword. Suigetsu pushes Chihiro into a room where Haku and the others were. Suigetsu pushes Elijah into the room and replaces him with Chihiro. Elijah bumps into Haku then stands next to him glaring at Suigetsu.

"Let her go," Haku growls at Suigetsu.

"Look here dear brother, I smelt a dragon and caught it. She fell into my hands like feathers." Suigetsu says, he grabs Chihiro both hands and grips them tightly in process of that the sword disappears. Chihiro flinches, Haku saw and glares at Suigetsu.

"Nice job," Iruka says. "So much for being her bodyguard," Iruka smirks at that comment.

"How dare you-" Haku starts but Sumi shakes his head telling Haku it's not worth it.

Chihiro tries to get her hands free from Suigetsu hands but he keeps on holding her wrist tighter every time she tries. Chihiro hisses in pain as he does it even harder.

"Let miss Chihiro go!" Elijah yells. Suigetsu and Iruka rises their eyebrows. Haku and Chihiro sigh.

"Chihiro?" Iruka asks. "Our belief was that her royal princess was called Avonmona."

"Let her go, that's an order!" Haku yells.

"Order? From who?" Iruka asks.

Suigetsu pulls on Chihiro hair, but still has one handheld firmly against two of her hands. "So, sweetie, you going to tell us your real name?" He hisses in Chihiro's ear.

"Get your filthy hands off me," Chihiro says, refusing to speak her name.

Suigetsu spots her blue hair and parts all of the other hair that isn't blue and has the blue strain of hair in his hands. "The royal bloodline... I always wondered... What would happen if I chopped that off?"

Haku widens his eyes in shock. "Please, don't," Chihiro begs.

"Why? Are you afraid to die? Or worse. If People are fighting for something and know the consequences then they should be ready to die." Suigetsu explains.

Chihiro takes a deep breath as she does so her strain of hair escapes Suigestu hand. "My name is Sen,"

"Sen? Like, that human from the bathhouse but find out that she got rescued by a dragon-" Iruka widen his eyes in shock. "The dragon! Human! The dragon was Haku!" He figures out. "The human... they say fell in love, people say it was because the dragon and the human were soul mates."

Silence filled the room.

"What are soul mates?" Chihiro asks.

"People who are bonded together by love forever. No matter how they try to resist they always find a way to full in love." A girl says. Everyone looks at her, she had dark blue hair and blue eyes.

Chihiro's and Haku's face blushes Chihiro deep red blush. "Nice to finally see your face again Umeko," Sugetsui announces.

Umeko was wearing a blue sports spot and dark blue leggings.

"It is not your right to say that, you know that Iruka," Umeko lectures her brother.

"W-wait... so...me...and..." Chihiro couldn't finish the sentence as she has the urge to pass out her vision goes blurry.

"That's right hun, you and him," Umeko points to Haku. "Are soul mates." Haku looks away ashamed for not telling her sooner.

"Wha...but..." Chihiro says.

"It's true, Sen, you and I, us, are soul mates," Haku agrees.

"You've known all along haven't you?" Chihiro asks him. Haku nods slightly and whispers a yes. Chihiro stood there in shock. "And you didn't bother to tell me?!" She yells.

"I...I thought it'll be too much for you. I knew since you were a child," Haku explains.

Chihiro couldn't believe what she was hearing. She loves Haku but didn't expect this, she was angry at him for keeping it from her.

"I'm going to try it!" Segetsu yells while grinning, he summons his dagger, putting it against the strain of the blue hair of Chihiro.

"No!" Haku yells.

He cuts some of it at the end causing Chihiro's leg to collapse. "Oops, sorry sweetheart." He says.

Haku glares at him. Runs up to him and punches him in the face causing blood from his face to escape. Kia and Sumi rush up to Chihiro and helps her up but she collapses again. Sumi sigh and carries her on his back.

"Hak..." Chihiro passes out.

"Come on let's get going," Haku announces.

Kia and Sumi nod in agreement. "We got what we came for anyway," Umeko says with a laugh, the others vanish.

"Is she alright?" Elijah asks.

"Yeah, she's fine kid. Just drained of energy but will be woken up in a minute just wait." Kia says with a smile.

Haku stands there worriedly still about Chihiro. "Haku stop worrying she's fine," Sumi says.

"I know, but..." Haku starts.

"If she wants to love you Haku or if she loves you, she'll have to accept that what you've done is for her own good." Kia reminds him.

Haku nods. "Where's Zeniba?" He asks.

"Who's Zeniba?" Elijah asks.

"You heard of the bathhouse?" Elijah nods. "Well, the person who is in charge there, the witch, Yubaba, she's Zenibs twin sister."

Spirited Away 2:     Run Away DRAFTTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang