Mors had sea illness that was so painful, he was bedridden the entire two days of their travels, often not able to get down any food in his stomach nor even managing to drink anything at all. The ship's healer gave him some nightshade and milk of the poppy for the pain but he would later puke it all into the bucket he was given and so no relief for him came.

Leila felt guilty about it, knowing he could not take any more of the ship's movement but he assured her that despite his constant complaining, it was still his choice to go with her and despite the travel making him into a damn cripple by some standards it was not her fault.

"We are nearing port," Leila informs him as she places the wet cloth by the side of his cheek to keep him cool. "Do not worry, you are going to be well soon."

"If I do die from this, lass.." He took a sharp breath, placing his hand over the wet cloth and taking her hand off so he can do it himself. He cleaned his jaw and then his lips despite feeling like he should keep his head onto the bucket. "Ye make sure I'm damn well buried in a beautiful hill with so much sunlight ye'll be blinded. Or at mah damn home, ye hear?"

She smiles cheekily, "Do you want your coffin to be made of gold as well, with a skull over it?"

"Oh, are ye trying to immortalize me, an already dead Manwoody with a skull, a symbol of mah house? Damn ye, lass. Ye know irony. Do ye wanna use my skull too to add more irony?"

She chuckles at his words. "Would you want that? That funeral would seem to be an amazing one, yours I mean."

"Oh, gods it better be, ye hear me? All gold coffins and all. I want it to be more spectacular than what the king's funeral would be!"

Leila raised a brow, "You do know its treason to speak about the king's death, right?"

"I ken that well but I ken ye'll save me."

"Oh, and how will I do that?"

"Yer father is bloody Tywin. If ye can beg him to do what ye want on yer knees like ye did at court then ye can do that to yer father and ye'll get what you want."

Leila did not respond.

But Mors puked once more.

THEY LANDED NO MORE THAN HALF AN HOUR LATER. Leila quickly found the maidservant and asked her to help her dress in a new dress after she left Mors in his quarters. Leila knew that it was better to disguise herself as she left the ship as she did not want others to recognize her and her uncle approved of that. Her uncle had told her that they have arrived a day early, as her father expected that they would take longer should weather may change or anything must keep them at delay.

Gerion decided that they would go to the Red Keep later when the men were organized and when Leila and the others were more well rested. Leila appreciated that from her uncle, knowing that she was not yet ready to see her father.

And so Gerion decided to take them to an inn in the Eel Alley. Gerion made sure that the privacy be kept by all measures and so decided that all men would be leaving by small groups to avoid any suspicion of them being there. Leila left with Gerion and Mors, who was being supported by one of the healers in the ship as he was not all too well yet, reeling from the medicine in his stomach. Gerion decided to bring them last as walking through the entire place with him was going to slow down the process and so being last, he was not slowing down anything.

The inn was called the 'Lavender Inn', which made no sense to Leila until she was given her quarters for the night. The room entirely smelt like the fresh breeze of the lavender trees she had smelt in the Stone Garden of Casterly Rock. They were her mother's favorites and so it became hers and Cersei's favorite. The smell pleased Leila very much, which eased the pain of the outside world for her, considering King's Landing isn't the most ideal of places to have a fresh air. 

Devotion (GOT Fanfic)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara