New Moon Desire

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~ 5 hours ago~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Derek has asked stiles to go and watch a movie with him, Even though he was sure Stiles is newly turned but he need to get better in sensing different scents while doing multiple things. When Derek goes into the theater—still reeling from the fact that Sheriff Stilinski gave him permission to date his underage son and then a hug before going back to his patrol, what the hell—he spots Stiles, beckoning him enthusiastically from the back row. While grins on his face Like he win something

Oh god, the back row.~ Derek is in so much fucking trouble. It was hard for him to resist stiles.
"Oh good, Dad didn't kill you," Stiles whispers when Derek sits next to him, tries to hug Derek's arms while pulling him closer and placing his head on Derek's shoulder (or tries to whisper anyway; his voice still comes out loud enough that a few people turn around to glare).
"It's the 'turn off your cell phones' announcement, relax," Derek growls at them. Maybe he lets his eyes glow red just a tiny bit, too; he's stressed out, and pretty sick of feeling so out of his depth today.

(Besides, the proud little smirk that Stiles rewards him with when one of the busybodies yelps in fear and actually runs out of the theater is worth it.)
"That probably wasn't such a good idea," Stiles says, but the corner of his mouth is still turned up, so Derek doesn't take the reprimand seriously. "What did my dad want with you?"
"We can talk about it later," Derek says, and Stiles goes so still beside him that Derek can actually feel him freaking out.

"Listen, Derek." Stiles is being quiet, now, but it's not on purpose; he sounds like he needs to force each word past his throat. "Whatever my dad said. He's just... saying things. I love you.. he is just mad turned me? but you do save my life! ..and He is just not accepting it right now . But he will!"
"Uh huh." The opening credits are on the screen, and the lights in the theater have dropped so low that Derek wouldn't have been able to see the rising blush on Stiles' cheeks, benefits of being sudden were-fox"I thought it sounded a little crazy."
"Right!" Stiles says, nodding down at his popcorn. "Right. Dad just gets these ideas, you know how dads are. Like they know everything."
"Mmhmm." Derek is watching Stiles' profile, the curves of his nose and his neck and his eyelashes, highlighted by quick blue flashes from the screen. The way he licked his lips after nomming on pop-corns because its made his lips salty and buttery
"And those ideas have absolutely no basis in reality. Like, these clothes. These are just my normal clothes." Stiles rolls eyes When he think about how stupid he look in these black cloths.
"You look nice," says Derek, before stealing a sip of Stiles' soda. More like enjoying the in-direct kiss.
"Thanks," Stiles says, and then surprise that! Crazy pants just! told him he look nice? wtf, "What?"
"I always liked those jeans on you," Derek continues, proud of the steadiness of his voice and how it doesn't at all betray how hard it for him to vocalize that thought.
"WHAT?" Stiles says again almost jumping from his chair, which brings on an entire chorus of shhhhhhhh! from the rows in front of them. "Sorry!"

Derek closes his eyes against the crazy pounding of his heart—seriously, he's not in high school anymore, what is wrong with him—and drops his arm as casually as he can over the back of Stiles' chair. He leans in close, murmuring "Just watch the movie" into Stiles' ear, and Stiles closes his eyes and pulls in a sharp breath, because Derek's breath and voice effect him really well. it's been a month Derek touched physically.. kisses does not count does it?.. Because they do makes-out..but Derek always give up when the mood turned hot. A sudden scream from the movie startles Derek into turning his head, and his jaw brushes accidentally against the edge of Stiles' ear.

"Holy fuck, stubble," Stiles breathes, before jamming the heels of his hands into his eyes and groaning quietly. "Oh jeez. Kill me."
"You're going to get popcorn butter all over your face," Derek murmurs, grinning now, because Stiles' voice, rough and shaky after such a small touch—and his pulse, rushing along and refusing to slow down, and Derek knows it's not just from embarrassment.

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