Hustle HARD: Better

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10 year old Carter Jr. sat quietly in the back of his fathers truck. He was always quiet, and this was a constant thing for him, such as being with his father riding around on a Saturday. Even though Carter was just ten years old, he looked up to his dad and his father was his role model. He wanted to be just like him. A hustler. Carter had taught his son at a young age that dealing drugs was prize possession, that only somebody special could do it. He told his son that as soon as he was old enough he would teach him the ropes, the ropes had approached Carter Jr. on this day.

Carter parked his truck and looked back at his son once he had done so. "C'mon, I have something to show you." He bounced out of the truck, and had to help Carter who was moving slow. "We gotta push it before ya' mom start hitting my line." Carter's wife was his bestfriend, his confidante, he loved his wife more than anything because she was always there for him. She gave him his pride and joy once she delivered his two children. Carter Jr and Angel, both named after their parents.

She never complained when he was out too late or in too early because he was working for his family and their was no other way the bills were getting paid. Yes, Carter said his only love was the street and money, but if you looked deeper into every nigga in the game: they had a wife.

Carter was smart about the game. He knew their was a 50/50 chance of him being alive in the game so he put up millions of money for Angel and their kids. Carter was far from dumb and so was Angel, his wife.

She knew Carter was the only woman he was sleeping with. She made that clear to him that if he ever found himself in another woman's bed that she would find out. She didn't like to share so, If he ever thought about kidding another woman, she would know and she would kill him with her bare hands. He understood and believed her. He knew Angel wasn't to be played with. Besides the fact, she was smart and was a working nurse he knew she wasn't dumb when it came to the streets.

"Alright daddy," responded little Carter jumping out of the escalade and next to his father while his father held his hand. "Can we get some ice cream after?" He wanted some vanilla ice cream.

"Yes but you can't tell your mother about this," said Carter. "Deal," he smirked at his father. He was the spitting image of his dad with his handsome face and attire; he had dark eyes, small brown freckles around his eyes and cheeks and deep dimples that felt as if they sunk into your soul. They both were a rich mocha and had their hair cut smoothly. Angel always seemed to get them to dress a like.

Like today, they both had on a white and black polo shirt, cargo shorts, and a pair of Jordan's to go along with nice cut diamond earrings in both their ears.

Carter had bring his son to a gun range. He knew Angel wouldn't approve but it was what it was, and he wanted his son to know the ropes. They were only in for about thirty minutes before they called it quits. While walking out, Carter Jr bumped into a little girl around his age.

"Sorry," he spoke mesmerized by the girls sparkling hazel eyes. He thought she was so pretty with her long four ponytails, but she had the biggest scar on her cheek.

"Yea whatever," she said rolling her eyes. "Just watch were you going next time," she finished catching an attitude.

The girl walked off as Carter Jr. looked back at her wondering what that was all about. They both jumped in the car and for Angels sake, he made little Carter and himself put on their seat belts knowing if she knew they didn't have one on the world would come to an end.

Carter started up the car and before pulling off asked little Carter what did he want to listen too.

"Turn on Rick Ross," said little Carter thinking of the first thing that came to his mind. He would've usually said Tupac, but he had liked one of Rick Ross song speaking of notorious drug dealers that were now in jail. It flowed out of the car as both Carter's bobbed their heads.

Big Meech

Larry Oova

Whip and Work


One nation

Under god

Real niggas gettin' money from the fuckin' start

As the song continued he realized a truck following him and got cautious. He texted Angel and even swerved out of a couple lanes. He wasn't trying to get caught slipping with his son in the car. Looking back in the mirror and saw that the vehicle was gone. He let out a breath in relief that he didn't have to pull out his piece. Although he had a feeling of who it was since he was currently beefing with LA Mafia. A gang that was currently trying to take his power.

   Carter pulled up into Cones' cautious of his surroundings, even though someone had just put a tracker under his car at the gun range.

  Another car pulled up next to him. He turned his head and was shot twice in front of Cones' and in front of his one and only son.


"Hustle harder, Flow," her father yelled at her in anger. Flow Raney was forced into the game and beat up by four different girls that left her with a cast and a patch on her eyes only at the age of 10.

All her mother did when she came home was wipe her up and kiss her telling her 'everything will get better, baby' while her father slapped her for the first time in her life and told her that she would get beat again and that she better fight back then she would cry. He would tell her, 'Raneys don't cry' and she lived up to it. He kissed her cheek for the night and let her go to sleep.

Her father, Percey had his way of loving his daughter. He loved her more than his own wife and for that he had to knock some sense in to her head, but unfortunately his love was some tough loving.

Malani, his wife and the mother of his child was someone he had love for but wasn't in love with. He only loved her because he gave her a child and only 'wifed her up' for the same reason. He took Malani as his babymother nothing more or nothing less. Like I said, he had love for her, but was not in love with her. He married her because it seemed right because she was pregnant, but after a while he had it set in his mind that he didnt want her. Malani did not agree. She actually loved Percey despite his hard demeanor. She felt as if he was the man she was suppose to live her life with and when he told her they could have a 'open relationship' she was devestated and did not commit too it, but she did get on her knees and ask God for Percey to come around and love her again. She loved him so much that she didn't realize she was accepting what he called 'tough love' towards their daughter.

Flow was beat again the next week and came out a winner and did exactly what she wanted: make her father smile. She knew her father hitting her was just for her to do better and she was dissappointed in herself. So she had been practicing in her fathers weight room with kicks, punches, and a couple of slaps and when the day came for her 'fight', she showed up and showed out just like her father wanted.

Her father walked up too her and kissed her cheek were he hit her immediately filling bad. He felt bad that he lashed out on her beautifal face. He felt bad as he looked into her eyes that were just like her mothers: light brown. That was another reason why he couldn't let Milani go completely. She shared Malani's beauty with her beautiful deep locks in her hair, beautiful brown eyes, and thick plump lips. Malani had an hour glass shape, and it was possible that it would pass down to her daughter.

Percey told his daughter he was sorry a million times than went to get her ice cream as an apology but ironically a congratulation, too. After eating ice cream, he decided to get back to business and take his daughter to the gun range were he repeatedly told her the only words he seemed to know.

"Hustle harder flow!"She sighted telling herself she could do this imagining someone coming into her home trying to seduce her mother and shot each hole perfectly.

She turned around, "How about that?"

He smiled. "Great, but I think you could do better," he said.

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