Trinity: What are you talking about?

Me: The bad thing I did, it was really bad. I should've never done it.

I had warm tears running down my face. Bali handed Trinity a tissue and she wiped my face.

Trinity: Sweetie, you have to tell me what the bad thing was so I can help you.

I shook my head.

Me: You'll look at me differently.

Trinity: I won't look at you anyway differently, you know this. Whatever you did, I'll help you through it. I promise.

Me: And what about Bali?

Bali gently rubbed my back.

Bali: Ion judge.

Trinity: You need to tell us, sweetie.

I cried even harder as I thought about it.

Me: It might change my life.

Trinity: What did you do, Lani?

I mumbled it softly.

Trinity: I can't hear that.

Bali: She said she might be pregnant.

I closed my eyes tightly as I heard Trinity's gasp.

Trinity: Pregnant?

Bali: Dat's great...right?

Trinity: There's no one special in her

I looked at Trinity's facial expression. This one was new, I couldn't read it.

Trinity: Please tell me you didn't.

Me: I did. I'm so sorry.

I cried harder.

Bali: Is it bad?

Trinity: She slept with Lucas.

I looked at Bali's face which stayed the same; concerned.

Bali: Oh no, lul baby.

I nodded as my crying slowly came to a stop.

Trinity: Bali, could you go get her some tests?

Bali: Yea' I got ya, ma.

Trinity smiled as Bali kissed her temple. She grabbed Trinity's keys from the bed and left out.

Trinity: So, he didn't use a condom?

I shook my head no as I just looked out into space.

Me: I-I don't know what I'm gonna do if I am pregnant. I can't have a baby now.

Trinity: I'll be right there to help you out in whatever way you need and whatever way I can but one thing I'm not gonna do is let you get an abortion or in any way harm your baby.

I looked at my best friend.

Me: But I can't take care of a baby right now. I have too much on my plate.

Trinity: Which is why your gonna tell Lucas if you are pregnant.

Me: No. That is out of the question. I will not be the one to end that relationship.

Trinity: News flash, you sorta will be. They are already arguing. You shoulda heard her when she kicked him out.

Me: You were there?

Trinity: With Bali, yeah. We were on the way to their room for something, I forgot but yeah.

Me: Oh.

Trinity: When did you guys have sex?

Me: Two weeks ago.

Trinity: Well, was it good at least?

That made me laugh a bit.

Trinity always knew how to cheer me up. Sometimes she would say stupid shit just to cheer me up and make me laugh. This might be one of those moments.

Me: Yes. It was real good.

Trinity: Well, at least if you are pregnant, that baby was made by some real good ass sex.

I laughed again and hit her leg.

Me: Shut up.

Since there was a corner store about two minutes up the street, Bali was back pretty quick. She came into my room with a brown paper bag.

Bali: I wasn't sure how many or what kind to get so I got one of each.

Trinity: Thank you.

Bali: Yea' of course.

Trinity: Oh, and if you could, keep this between the three of us?

Bali: Yea' I got you. I won't tell unless you want me to.

I smiled.

Me: Thank you.

She nodded at me and handed Trinity the bag who handed it to me.

Trinity: You know what to do; read the box and go.

I sighed and hesitantly took the bag from her. I got out of the bed and headed into the bathroom. I closed the door behind me and opened the bag. I pulled out the five tests and laid them on the counter.

After taking all five of the tests, I washed my hands and walked out.

Trinity: So?

Me: So now we wait.

I sat on the bed and sighed while scratching my head.

Trinity: So, if you were to be pregnant, what would you want a girl or boy?

Me: A girl. So she can be my little princess.

They laughed.

Trinity: Any ideas for names yet?

Me: Nope. Not yet but hopefully I won't have to look.

Trinity: I wanna be an auntie, don't say that.

I laughed at her.

Me: Shut up.

We waited a few more minutes in peace before the time was up and I had to go and see if I was pregnant or not.

Trinity: You ready?

Me: As I'll ever be.

I got up and went into the bathroom. I took a deep breath before looked at all five of the tests that said the same thing;


- - - -
Chapter 25

Yes, I know, I keep time jumping, trust me. It all pays off in the end.

I bet you guys saw that coming, didn't you?

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